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elf64_fsize(3) [netbsd man page]

GELF_FSIZE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     GELF_FSIZE(3)

gelf_fsize, elf32_fsize, elf64_fsize -- return the size of a file type LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> size_t elf32_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); size_t elf64_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); #include <gelf.h> size_t gelf_fsize(Elf *elf, Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the size in bytes of the file representation of count numbers of objects of ELF type type. Functions elf32_fsize() and elf64_fsize() return sizes for files of class ELFCLASS32 and ELFCLASS64 respectively. Function gelf_fsize() returns the size for the class of ELF descriptor elf. RETURN VALUES
These functions return a non-zero value in case of success, or zero in case of an error. ERRORS
These functions may fail with: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument elf was NULL in a call to gelf_fsize(). [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] ELF descriptor elf had an unknown ELF class. [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument type contained an illegal value. [ELF_E_UNIMPL] Support for ELF type type has not been implemented. [ELF_E_VERSION] Argument version is not a supported version. SEE ALSO
elf(3), gelf(3) BSD
February 5, 2008 BSD

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GELF_CHECKSUM(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					  GELF_CHECKSUM(3)

elf32_checksum, elf64_checksum, gelf_checksum -- return the checksum of an ELF object LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> long elf32_checksum(Elf *elf); long elf64_checksum(Elf *elf); #include <gelf.h> long gelf_checksum(Elf *elf); DESCRIPTION
These functions return a simple checksum of the ELF object described by their argument elf. The checksum is computed in way that allows its value to remain unchanged in presence of modifications to the ELF object by utilities like strip(1). Function elf32_checksum() returns a checksum for an ELF descriptor elf of class ELFCLASS32. Function elf64_checksum() returns a checksum for an ELF descriptor elf of class ELFCLASS64. Function gelf_checksum() provides a class-independent way retrieving the checksum for ELF object elf. RETURN VALUES
These functions return the checksum of the ELF object, or zero in case an error was encountered. ERRORS
These functions may fail with the following errors: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument elf was NULL. [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument elf was not a descriptor for an ELF file. [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] The ELF descriptor elf was not opened for reading or updating. [ELF_E_CLASS] For functions elf32_checksum() and elf64_checksum(), ELF descriptor elf did not match the class of the called function. [ELF_E_HEADER] The ELF object specified by argument elf had a malformed executable header. [ELF_E_RESOURCE] An out of memory condition was detected during processing. [ELF_E_SECTION] The ELF object specified by argument elf contained a section with a malformed section header. [ELF_E_VERSION] The ELF object was of an unsupported version. SEE ALSO
strip(1), elf(3), gelf(3) BSD
August 29, 2006 BSD
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