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elf32_fsize(3) [netbsd man page]

GELF_FSIZE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     GELF_FSIZE(3)

gelf_fsize, elf32_fsize, elf64_fsize -- return the size of a file type LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> size_t elf32_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); size_t elf64_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); #include <gelf.h> size_t gelf_fsize(Elf *elf, Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the size in bytes of the file representation of count numbers of objects of ELF type type. Functions elf32_fsize() and elf64_fsize() return sizes for files of class ELFCLASS32 and ELFCLASS64 respectively. Function gelf_fsize() returns the size for the class of ELF descriptor elf. RETURN VALUES
These functions return a non-zero value in case of success, or zero in case of an error. ERRORS
These functions may fail with: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument elf was NULL in a call to gelf_fsize(). [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] ELF descriptor elf had an unknown ELF class. [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument type contained an illegal value. [ELF_E_UNIMPL] Support for ELF type type has not been implemented. [ELF_E_VERSION] Argument version is not a supported version. SEE ALSO
elf(3), gelf(3) BSD
February 5, 2008 BSD

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GELF_FSIZE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     GELF_FSIZE(3)

gelf_fsize, elf32_fsize, elf64_fsize -- return the size of a file type LIBRARY
ELF Access Library (libelf, -lelf) SYNOPSIS
#include <libelf.h> size_t elf32_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); size_t elf64_fsize(Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); #include <gelf.h> size_t gelf_fsize(Elf *elf, Elf_Type type, size_t count, unsigned int version); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the size in bytes of the file representation of count numbers of objects of ELF type type. Functions elf32_fsize() and elf64_fsize() return sizes for files of class ELFCLASS32 and ELFCLASS64 respectively. Function gelf_fsize() returns the size for the class of ELF descriptor elf. RETURN VALUES
These functions return a non-zero value in case of success, or zero in case of an error. ERRORS
These functions may fail with: [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument elf was NULL in a call to gelf_fsize(). [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] ELF descriptor elf had an unknown ELF class. [ELF_E_ARGUMENT] Argument type contained an illegal value. [ELF_E_UNIMPL] Support for ELF type type has not been implemented. [ELF_E_VERSION] Argument version is not a supported version. SEE ALSO
elf(3), gelf(3) BSD
February 5, 2008 BSD
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