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bio_f_base64(3) [netbsd man page]

BIO_f_base64(3) 						      OpenSSL							   BIO_f_base64(3)

BIO_f_base64 - base64 BIO filter LIBRARY
libcrypto, -lcrypto SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/bio.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> BIO_METHOD * BIO_f_base64(void); DESCRIPTION
BIO_f_base64() returns the base64 BIO method. This is a filter BIO that base64 encodes any data written through it and decodes any data read through it. Base64 BIOs do not support BIO_gets() or BIO_puts(). BIO_flush() on a base64 BIO that is being written through is used to signal that no more data is to be encoded: this is used to flush the final block through the BIO. The flag BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL can be set with BIO_set_flags() to encode the data all on one line or expect the data to be all on one line. NOTES
Because of the format of base64 encoding the end of the encoded block cannot always be reliably determined. RETURN VALUES
BIO_f_base64() returns the base64 BIO method. EXAMPLES
Base64 encode the string "Hello World " and write the result to standard output: BIO *bio, *b64; char message[] = "Hello World "; b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); bio = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE); BIO_push(b64, bio); BIO_write(b64, message, strlen(message)); BIO_flush(b64); BIO_free_all(b64); Read Base64 encoded data from standard input and write the decoded data to standard output: BIO *bio, *b64, *bio_out; char inbuf[512]; int inlen; b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); bio = BIO_new_fp(stdin, BIO_NOCLOSE); bio_out = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE); BIO_push(b64, bio); while((inlen = BIO_read(b64, inbuf, 512)) > 0) BIO_write(bio_out, inbuf, inlen); BIO_flush(bio_out); BIO_free_all(b64); BUGS
The ambiguity of EOF in base64 encoded data can cause additional data following the base64 encoded block to be misinterpreted. There should be some way of specifying a test that the BIO can perform to reliably determine EOF (for example a MIME boundary). SEE ALSO
TBA 1.0.1i 2014-08-10 BIO_f_base64(3)

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BIO_push(3)							      OpenSSL							       BIO_push(3)

BIO_push, BIO_pop - add and remove BIOs from a chain. LIBRARY
libcrypto, -lcrypto SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/bio.h> BIO * BIO_push(BIO *b,BIO *append); BIO * BIO_pop(BIO *b); DESCRIPTION
The BIO_push() function appends the BIO append to b, it returns b. BIO_pop() removes the BIO b from a chain and returns the next BIO in the chain, or NULL if there is no next BIO. The removed BIO then becomes a single BIO with no association with the original chain, it can thus be freed or attached to a different chain. NOTES
The names of these functions are perhaps a little misleading. BIO_push() joins two BIO chains whereas BIO_pop() deletes a single BIO from a chain, the deleted BIO does not need to be at the end of a chain. The process of calling BIO_push() and BIO_pop() on a BIO may have additional consequences (a control call is made to the affected BIOs) any effects will be noted in the descriptions of individual BIOs. EXAMPLES
For these examples suppose md1 and md2 are digest BIOs, b64 is a base64 BIO and f is a file BIO. If the call: BIO_push(b64, f); is made then the new chain will be b64-f. After making the calls BIO_push(md2, b64); BIO_push(md1, md2); the new chain is md1-md2-b64-f. Data written to md1 will be digested by md1 and md2, base64 encoded and written to f. It should be noted that reading causes data to pass in the reverse direction, that is data is read from f, base64 decoded and digested by md1 and md2. If the call: BIO_pop(md2); The call will return b64 and the new chain will be md1-b64-f data can be written to md1 as before. RETURN VALUES
BIO_push() returns the end of the chain, b. BIO_pop() returns the next BIO in the chain, or NULL if there is no next BIO. SEE ALSO
TBA 1.0.1i 2014-08-10 BIO_push(3)
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