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__builtin_return_address(3) [netbsd man page]

__BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS(3)				   BSD Library Functions Manual 			       __BUILTIN_RETURN_ADDRESS(3)

__builtin_return_address -- the return address of a function SYNOPSIS
void * __builtin_return_address(unsigned int level); void * __builtin_frame_address(unsigned int level); DESCRIPTION
The __builtin_return_address() is a GNU extension for obtaining the return address of the current function or one of the callers of the cur- rent function. The parameter level specifies the number of frames that should be scanned up in the call stack. A value 0 returns the address of the current function, a value 1 requests the address of the caller of the current function, a value 2 asks for the address of the caller's caller, and so forth. If the top of the call stack has been reached, the function will return 0. Note also that on some architectures it is only possible to determine the address of the current function. In such cases a value 0 is returned. Thus, it is usually safe to only use the value 0 for level. The __builtin_frame_address() behaves similarly, but returns the address of the function frame rather than the return address of the func- tion. SEE ALSO
gcc(1), __builtin_object_size(3) CAVEATS
These are non-standard, compiler-specific extensions. BSD
December 19, 2010 BSD

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__BUILTIN_OBJECT_SIZE(3)				   BSD Library Functions Manual 				  __BUILTIN_OBJECT_SIZE(3)

__builtin_object_size -- return the size of the given object SYNOPSIS
size_t __builtin_object_size(void *ptr, int type); DESCRIPTION
The __builtin_object_size() function is a gcc(1) built-in function that returns the size of the ptr object if known at compile time and the object does not have any side effects. RETURN VALUES
If the size of the object is not known or it has side effects the __builtin_object_size() function returns: (size_t)-1 for type 0 and 1. (size_t)0 for type 2 and 3. If the size of the object is known, then the __builtin_object_size() function returns the maximum size of all the objects that the compiler knows that they can be pointed to by ptr when type & 2 == 0, and the minimum size when type & 2 != 0. SEE ALSO
gcc(1), __builtin_return_address(3), attribute(3), ssp(3) HISTORY
The __builtin_object_size() appeared in GCC 4.1. CAVEATS
This is a non-standard, compiler-specific extension. BSD
December 19, 2010 BSD
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