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socketpair(2) [netbsd man page]

SOCKETPAIR(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						     SOCKETPAIR(2)

socketpair -- create a pair of connected sockets LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/socket.h> int socketpair(int d, int type, int protocol, int *sv); DESCRIPTION
The socketpair() call creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets in the specified domain d, of the specified type, and using the optionally specified protocol. The descriptors used in referencing the new sockets are returned in sv[0] and sv[1]. The two sockets are indistinguish- able. The type and protocol argument values are described in socket(2). RETURN VALUES
A 0 is returned if the call succeeds, -1 if it fails. ERRORS
The call succeeds unless: [EAFNOSUPPORT] The specified address family is not supported on this machine. [EFAULT] The address sv does not specify a valid part of the process address space. [EMFILE] Too many descriptors are in use by this process. [ENFILE] The system file table is full. [EOPNOTSUPP] The specified protocol does not support creation of socket pairs. [EPROTONOSUPPORT] The specified protocol is not supported on this machine. SEE ALSO
pipe(2), read(2), socket(2), write(2) HISTORY
The socketpair() function call appeared in 4.2BSD. BUGS
This call is currently implemented only for the PF_LOCAL domain. BSD
June 24, 2011 BSD

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SOCKETPAIR(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						     SOCKETPAIR(2)

socketpair -- create a pair of connected sockets SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> int socketpair(int d, int type, int protocol, int *sv); DESCRIPTION
The socketpair() call creates an unnamed pair of connected sockets in the specified domain d, of the specified type, and using the optionally specified protocol. The descriptors used in referencing the new sockets are returned in sv[0] and sv[1]. The two sockets are indistinguish- able. DIAGNOSTICS
A 0 is returned if the call succeeds, -1 if it fails. ERRORS
The call succeeds unless: [EMFILE] Too many descriptors are in use by this process. [EAFNOSUPPORT] The specified address family is not supported on this machine. [EPROTONOSUPPORT] The specified protocol is not supported on this machine. [EOPNOSUPPORT] The specified protocol does not support creation of socket pairs. [EFAULT] The address sv does not specify a valid part of the process address space. SEE ALSO
read(2), write(2), pipe(2) BUGS
This call is currently implemented only for the UNIX domain. HISTORY
The socketpair() function call appeared in 4.2BSD. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution June 4, 1993 4.2 Berkeley Distribution
Man Page

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