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fdatasync(2) [netbsd man page]

FDATASYNC(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      FDATASYNC(2)

fdatasync -- synchronize the data of a file LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> int fdatasync(int fd); DESCRIPTION
The fdatasync() function forces all modified data associated with the file descriptor fd to be flushed to stable storage. The functionality is as described for fsync(2), with the exception that file status information need not be synchronized, which may result in a performance gain, compared to fsync(2). This behaviour is commonly known as synchronized I/O data integrity completion. RETURN VALUES
A value of 0 is returned on success. Otherwise, a value -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The fdatasync() function will fail if: [EBADF] The fd argument is not a valid file descriptor open for writing. [EINVAL] This implementation does not support synchronized I/O for this file. [ENOSYS] The fdatasync() function is not supported by this implementation. In the event that any of the I/O operations to be performed fail, fdatasync() returns the error conditions defined for read(2) and write(2), and outstanding I/O operations are not guaranteed to have been completed. SEE ALSO
fsync(2), open(2), read(2), write(2) STANDARDS
The fdatasync() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 (``POSIX.1''). BSD
October 25, 2003 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

fdatasync(2)							System Calls Manual						      fdatasync(2)

fdatasync - Writes data changes in a file to permanent storage SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> int fdatasync ( int fildes ); PARAMETERS
Specifies a valid open file descriptor. DESCRIPTION
The fdatasync function causes system buffers containing a file's modified data to be written to permanent storage. The fdatasync function does not return until the operation has been completed. The fdatasync function provides data integrity, ensuring that data in permanent storage is identical to data in the buffer. However, use of fdatasync does not guarantee that file control information such as owner and modification time has been updated to permanent storage (see the fsync function). NOTES
The file identified by the fildes parameter must be open for writing when the fdatasync function is issued or the call will fail. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the fdatasync function returns a value of 0 (zero). If the fdatasync function fails, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. If fdatasync fails, outstanding I/O operations are not guaranteed to have been completed. ERRORS
If the fdatasync function fails, errno may be set to one of the following values: [EBADF] The fildes parameter is not a valid file descriptor. [EINVAL] The fildes parameter does not refer to a file on which this operation is possible. If any queued I/O operations fail, the fdatasync function returns error conditions defined for the read and write functions. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: fcntl(2), fsync(2), open(2), read(2), sync(2), write(2) delim off fdatasync(2)
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