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_lwp_wait(2) [netbsd man page]

_LWP_WAIT(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      _LWP_WAIT(2)

_lwp_wait -- wait for light-weight process termination LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <lwp.h> int _lwp_wait(lwpid_t wlwp, lwpid_t *rlwp); DESCRIPTION
_lwp_wait() suspends execution of the calling LWP until the LWP specified by wlwp terminates. The specified LWP must not be detached. If wlwp is 0, then _lwp_wait() waits for any undetached LWP in the current process. If rlwp is not NULL, then it points to the location where the LWP ID of the exited LWP is stored. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, _lwp_wait() returns a value of 0. Otherwise, an error code is returned to indicate the error. ERRORS
_lwp_wait() will fail if: [ESRCH] No undetached LWP can be found in the current process corresponding to that specified by wlwp. [EDEADLK] The calling LWP is the only LWP in the process. [EDEADLK] The LWP ID specified by wlwp is the LWP ID of the calling LWP. [EINTR] _lwp_wait() was interrupted by a caught signal, or the signal did not have the SA_RESTART flag set. SEE ALSO
_lwp_create(2), _lwp_exit(2) HISTORY
The _lwp_wait() system call first appeared in NetBSD 2.0. BSD
January 13, 2003 BSD

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_LWP_KILL(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      _LWP_KILL(2)

_lwp_kill -- send a signal to a light-weight process LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <lwp.h> int _lwp_kill(lwpid_t lwp, int sig); DESCRIPTION
_lwp_kill() sends the signal specified by sig to the light-weight process specified by lwp. If the sig argument is given as 0 (zero), _lwp_kill will test for the existence of the target LWP, but will take no further action. Job control signals and uncatchable signals can not be directed to a specific LWP: if posted with _lwp_kill, they will affect all LWPs in the process. Signals will be posted successfully to suspended LWPs, but will not be handled further until the LWP has been continued. RETURN VALUES
A 0 value indicates that the call succeeded. A -1 return value indicates an error occurred and errno is set to indicate the reason. ERRORS
[EINVAL] sig is not a valid signal number. [ESRCH] No LWP can be found in the current process corresponding to that specified by lwp. SEE ALSO
_lwp_continue(2), _lwp_suspend(2), kill(2), sigaction(2), signal(7) HISTORY
The _lwp_kill() system call first appeared in NetBSD 5.0. BSD
January 20, 2007 BSD
Man Page