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zcmp(1) [netbsd man page]

ZDIFF(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  ZDIFF(1)

zcmp, zdiff -- compare compressed files SYNOPSIS
zcmp [options] file [file2] zdiff [options] file [file2] DESCRIPTION
zcmp and zdiff are filters that invoke cmp(1) or diff(1) respectively to compare compressed files. Any options that are specified are passed to cmp(1) or diff(1). If only file1 is specified, it is compared against a file with the same name, but with the extension removed. When both file1 or file2 are specified, either file may be compressed. Extensions handled by gzip(1): o z, Z, o gz, o taz, o tgz. Extensions handled by bzip2(1): o bz, o bz2, o tbz, o tbz2. Extensions handled by xz(1): o lzma, o xz, o tlz, o txz. ENVIRONMENT
TMPDIR Directory in which to place temporary files. If unset, /tmp is used. FILES
/tmp/zcmp.XXXXXXXXXX Temporary file for zcmp. /tmp/zdiff.XXXXXXXXXX Temporary file for zdiff. SEE ALSO
bzip2(1), cmp(1), diff(1), gzip(1), xz(1) CAVEATS
zcmp and zdiff rely solely on the file extension to determine what is, or is not, a compressed file. Consequently, the following are not supported as arguments: - directories - device special files - filenames indicating the standard input (``-'') BSD
April 14, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

ZDIFF(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  ZDIFF(1)

zcmp, zdiff -- compare compressed files SYNOPSIS
zcmp [options] file [file2] zdiff [options] file [file2] DESCRIPTION
zcmp and zdiff are filters that invoke cmp(1) or diff(1) respectively to compare compressed files. Any options that are specified are passed to cmp(1) or diff(1). If only file1 is specified, it is compared against a file with the same name, but with the extension removed. When both file1 or file2 are specified, either file may be compressed. Extensions handled by gzip(1): o z, Z, o gz, o taz, o tgz. Extensions handled by bzip2(1): o bz, o bz2, o tbz, o tbz2. Extensions handled by xz(1): o lzma, o xz, o tlz, o txz. ENVIRONMENT
TMPDIR Directory in which to place temporary files. If unset, /tmp is used. FILES
/tmp/zcmp.XXXXXXXXXX Temporary file for zcmp. /tmp/zdiff.XXXXXXXXXX Temporary file for zdiff. SEE ALSO
bzip2(1), cmp(1), diff(1), gzip(1), xz(1) CAVEATS
zcmp and zdiff rely solely on the file extension to determine what is, or is not, a compressed file. Consequently, the following are not supported as arguments: - directories - device special files - filenames indicating the standard input (``-'') BSD
April 14, 2010 BSD
Man Page

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