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yppasswd(1) [netbsd man page]

YPPASSWD(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       YPPASSWD(1)

yppasswd -- modify a user's NIS password SYNOPSIS
yppasswd [user] DESCRIPTION
yppasswd changes the user's NIS password. The yppasswd command is deprecated. See passwd(1) for more information. BSD
February 25, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

yppasswd(3N)															      yppasswd(3N)

yppasswd() - update user password in Network Information Service SYNOPSIS
[flag]... file... [library]... DESCRIPTION
If oldpass is the old, unencrypted user password, this routine replaces the password entry with the encrypted newpw. RPC Info Program number: XDR routines: xdr_yppasswd(xdrs, yp) XDR *xdrs; struct yppasswd *yp; xdr_passwd(xdrs, pw) XDR *xdrs; struct passwd *pw; Procs: Takes struct yppasswd as an argument; returns an integer. Behaves the same as the yppasswd() function. Uses UNIX authentication. Versions: Structures: struct yppasswd { char *oldpass; /* old (unencrypted) password */ struct passwd newpw; /* new pw structure */ }; MULTITHREAD USAGE
Thread Safe: Yes Cancel Safe: Yes Fork Safe: No Async-cancel Safe: No Async-signal Safe: No These functions can be called safely in a multithreaded environment. They may be cancellation points in that they call functions that are cancel points. In a multithreaded environment, these functions are not safe to be called by a child process after and before These functions should not be called by a multithreaded application that support asynchronous cancellation or asynchronous signals. RETURN VALUE
returns 0 if successful and -1 if an error occurs. AUTHOR
was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. SEE ALSO
yppasswd(1), yppasswdd(1M). yppasswd(3N)
Man Page

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