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wrap-and-sort(1) [netbsd man page]

WRAP-AND-SORT(1)					      General Commands Manual						  WRAP-AND-SORT(1)

wrap-and-sort - wrap long lines and sort items in Debian packaging files SYNOPSIS
wrap-and-sort [options] DESCRIPTION
wrap-and-sort wraps the package lists in Debian control files. By default the lists will only split into multiple lines if the entries are longer than 80 characters. wrap-and-sort sorts the package lists in Debian control files and all .install files. Beside that wrap-and-sort removes trailing spaces in these files. This script should be run in the root of a Debian package tree. It searches for control,, copyright,, install, and *.install in the debian directory. OPTIONS
-h, --help Show this help message and exit. -a, --wrap-always Wrap all package lists in the Debian control file even if the entries are shorter than 80 characters and could fit in one line line. -s, --short-indent Only indent wrapped lines by one space (default is in-line with the field name). -b, --sort-binary-packages Sort binary package paragraphs by name. -k, --keep-first When sorting binary package paragraphs, leave the first one at the top. Unqualified debhelper(7) configuration files are applied to the first package. -n, --no-cleanup Do not remove trailing whitespaces. -d path, --debian-directory=path Location of the debian directory (default: ./debian). -f file, --file=file Wrap and sort only the specified file. You can specify this parameter multiple times. All supported files will be processed if no files are specified. -v, --verbose Print all files that are touched. AUTHORS
wrap-and-sort and this manpage have been written by Benjamin Drung <>. Both are released under the ISC license. DEBIAN
Debian Utilities WRAP-AND-SORT(1)

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DH_INSTALLDOCS(1)						     Debhelper							 DH_INSTALLDOCS(1)

dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories SYNOPSIS
dh_installdocs [debhelperoptions] [-A] [-Xitem] [file...] DESCRIPTION
dh_installdocs is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing documentation into usr/share/doc/package in package build directories. FILES
debian/ List documentation files to be installed into package. debian/copyright The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more specific copyright file is available. debian/package.copyright debian/package.README.Debian debian/package.TODO Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a package. debian/README.Debian debian/TODO These files are installed into the first binary package listed in debian/control. Note that README.debian files are also installed as README.Debian, and TODO files will be installed as TODO.Debian in non-native packages. debian/package.doc-base Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be determined from the Document: entry in the doc-base control file in question. debian/package.doc-base.* If your package needs to register more than one document, you need multiple doc-base files, and can name them like this. OPTIONS
-A, --all Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages acted on. -Xitem, --exclude=item Exclude files that contain item anywhere in their filename from being installed. Note that this includes doc-base files. --link-doc=package Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to the documentation directory of package. This has no effect when acting on package itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already exists when dh_installdocs is run. To comply with policy, package must be a binary package that comes from the same source package. debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The -A option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation directories, and copyright, changelog, README.Debian, and TODO files will not be installed. (An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported, is to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink, before calling dh_installdocs.) file ... Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or in all packages if -A is specified). EXAMPLES
This is an example of a debian/ file: README TODO debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt docs/manual.txt docs/manual.pdf docs/manual-html/ NOTES
Note that dh_installdocs will happily copy entire directory hierarchies if you ask it to (similar to cp -a). If it is asked to install a directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory. Note that this command is not idempotent. dh_prep(1) should be called between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts. SEE ALSO
debhelper(7) This program is a part of debhelper. AUTHOR
Joey Hess <> 8.9.0ubuntu2.1 2012-06-12 DH_INSTALLDOCS(1)
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