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svn-upgrade(1) [netbsd man page]

SVN-UPGRADE(1)							 Command reference						    SVN-UPGRADE(1)

svn-upgrade - upgrade source package from a new upstream revision SYNOPSIS
svn-upgrade newsource [options] DESCRIPTION
svn-upgrade modifies a Debian package source located in a Subversion repository, upgrading it to a new upstream release. The repository filesystem tree must be in the format created by svn-inject. OPTIONS
svn-upgrade accepts the following options on the command-line: -V STRING | --version STRING Forces a different upstream version string Default: Off. -c | --clean Runs make clean and removes the debian/ directory in the new source. Default: Off. -P STRING | --packagename STRING Forces a different package name Default: Off. -v | --verbose More verbose program output Default: Off. -r | --replay-conflicting Extra cleanup run: replaces all conflicting files with upstream versions. Review of svn status output before doing that could make sense. Default: Off. -N | --noautodch Upgrade without making a new changelog entry. Default: Make the changelog entry. -u | --uscan Use uscan to download the new version. --noninteractive Turn off interactive mode. --ignoreerrors In noninteractive mode, ignore errors. --ignored-files-action STRING Make files that are ignored due to subversion ignore patterns to be 'import'ed or 'skip'ed. -e | --auto-epoch Automatically increase version epoch if the new upstream version is not greater than the current. --debclean Run debclean before merging the new upstream source. Tarballs must be compressed with gzip or bzip2. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/svn-buildpackage/() The svn-buildpackage HOWTO manual svn(1) Subversion command line client tool svn-buildpackage(1) build Debian packages from SVN repository AUTHORS
Eduard Bloch This manual page was written by Eduard Bloch in roff. Goneri Le Bouder Converted manpages to SGML. Neil Williams Converted manpages to DocBook XML and current Debian maintainer COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2009 Eduard Bloch Release: 0.8.2 May 2009 SVN-UPGRADE(1)

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SVN-INJECT(1)							 Command reference						     SVN-INJECT(1)

svn-inject - puts a Debian source package into Subversion repository SYNOPSIS
svn-inject [options] package.dsc repository_URL OPTIONS
svn-inject accepts the following options on the command-line: -h print the help menu -v Make the command output verbose Default: Off. -q Hide less important messages Default: Off. -l Layout type. 1 (default) means package/{trunk,tags,branches,...} scheme, 2 means the {trunk,tags,branches,...}/package scheme. Default: 1 -t directory Specify the directory where the .orig.tar.gz files are stored on the local machine. Default: Off. -d | --do-like=directory Looks at the working directory of some other package and uses its base URL, tarball storage directory and similar checkout target directory. Default: Off. -c number Checkout nothing (0), trunk directory (1) or everything (2) when the work is done. Default: 1 -o Only keep modified files under SVN control (including the debian/ directory), track only parts of upstream branch Default: Off. -O | --no-branches Do not create the branches subdirectory at all. This works in a similar way to -o but all changes on upstream files (e.g. meta changes like updating the config.guess and config.sub files) are ignored and the upstream branch is not used. Default: use branches/. -s By default, svn-inject used to create .svn/deb-layout after an inject operation if a checkout followed the inject. Since version 0.6.22 this behaviour is deprecated. With this parameter svn-inject will replicate the old behaviour. This option was provided since it can be useful when creating a local override file. Default: Off. -setprops -set-props Set svn-bp:* props on the debian directory automatically. Default: Off. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/svn-buildpackage/() The svn-buildpackage HOWTO manual svn-upgrade(1) upgrade source package from a new upstream revision. svn(1) Subversion command line client tool dpkg-buildpackage(1) Debian source package tools AUTHORS
Eduard Bloch This manual page was written by Eduard Bloch in roff. Goneri Le Bouder Converted manpages to SGML. Neil Williams Converted manpages to DocBook XML and current Debian maintainer COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2009 Eduard Bloch Release: 0.8.2 May 2009 SVN-INJECT(1)
Man Page