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shape_patch(1) [netbsd man page]

SHAPE_PATCH(1)						      General Commands Manual						    SHAPE_PATCH(1)

shape_patch - shapeTools RMS generate patch file SYNOPSIS
shape patch OLDRELEASE=<name1> NEWRELEASE=<name2> [PATCHFILE=<filename>] DESCRIPTION
Shape patch generates a patch file for updating $(OLDRELEASE) to $(NEWRELEASE). Both releases are identified by release names associated with the macros OLD-/NEWRELEASE on the command line. Valid release names are those generated by any of the shape_RMS (pre-)release building procedures (see shape_releas(1)). Performing 'vl -all' with the release identification file as argument usually gives a good overview of existing release names. Patch generation happens recursively over all subsystems being part of the current node. Hence, triggering shape patch from the top node of the central source repository creates a patch file for the whole system. The output of shape patch is stored in a file named <name1>+2+<name2>.pat. When the PATCHFILE macro is set on the command line, $(PATCH- FILE) is taken as output file name instead. Defining PATCHFILE=- on the command line causes the patch to be written to standard output. Note: For patches invoking multiple subsystems, $(PATCHFILE) should be set to an absolute pathname. If not, the patch generation procedure will leave an equally named patch file for each visited subsystem. The patch is constructed using the vdiff(1) command and can be applied to any installation of $(OLDRELEASE) by invoking patch(1). INCONVENIENCES
On System V machines, the generated patch file name will almost certainly exceed the 14 characters filename length limit. SEE ALSO
shape_releas(1), vdiff(1), patch(1) FILES
<name1>+2+<name2>.pat 28.9.119 SHAPE_PATCH(1)

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EDIT-PATCH(1)                                                 General Commands Manual                                                EDIT-PATCH(1)

edit-patch, add-patch - tool for preparing patches for Debian source packages SYNOPSIS
edit-patch path/to/patch add-patch path/to/patch DESCRIPTION
edit-patch is a wrapper script around the Quilt, CDBS, and dpatch patch systems. It simplifies the process of preparing and editing patches to Debian source packages and allows the user to not have to be concerned with which patch system is in use. Run from inside the root directory of the source package, edit-patch can be used to edit existing patches located in debian/patches. It can also be used to incorporate new patches. If pointed at a patch not already present, it will copy the patch to debian/patches in the correct format for the patch system in use. Next, the patch is applied and a subshell is opened in order to edit the patch. Typing exit or pressing Ctrl-d will close the subshell and launch an editor to record the debian/changelog entry. edit-patch is integrated with the Bazaar and Git version control systems. The patch will be automatically added to the tree, and the debian/changelog entry will be used as the commit message. If no patch system is present, the patch is applied inline, and a copy is stored in debian/patches-applied. add-patch is the non-interactive version of edit-patch. The patch will be incorporated but no editor or subshell will be spawned. AUTHORS
edit-patch was written by Daniel Holbach <>, Michael Vogt <>, and David Futcher <>. This manual page was written by Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <>. Both are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. DEBIAN Debian Utilities EDIT-PATCH(1)
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