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rwho(1) [netbsd man page]

RWHO(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   RWHO(1)

rwho -- who is logged in on local machines SYNOPSIS
The rwho command produces output similar to who(1), but for all machines on the local network. If no report has been received from a machine for 11 minutes then rwho assumes the machine is down, and does not report the users last known to be logged into that machine. If a user hasn't typed to the system for a minute or more, then rwho reports this idle time. -a Include all users. By default, if a user hasn't typed to the system for an hour or more, then the user will be omitted from the output. -H Write column headings above the regular output. -q ``Quick mode'': List only the names and the number of users currently logged on. When this option is used, all other options are ignored. FILES
/var/rwho/whod.* information about other machines SEE ALSO
finger(1), rup(1), ruptime(1), rusers(1), who(1), rwhod(8) HISTORY
The rwho command appeared in 4.3BSD. BUGS
This is unwieldy when the number of machines on the local net is large. BSD
September 30, 2005 BSD

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rwho(1) 							   User Commands							   rwho(1)

rwho - who is logged in on local machines SYNOPSIS
The rwho command produces output similar to who(1), but for all machines on your network. If no report has been received from a machine for 5 minutes, rwho assumes the machine is down, and does not report users last known to be logged into that machine. If a user has not typed to the system for a minute or more, rwho reports this idle time. If a user has not typed to the system for an hour or more, the user is omitted from the output of rwho unless the -a flag is given. OPTIONS
-a Report all users whether or not they have typed to the system in the past hour. FILES
/var/spool/rwho/whod.* information about other machines ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |Availability |SUNWrcmds | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
finger(1), ruptime(1), who(1), in.rwhod(1M), attributes(5) NOTES
rwho does not work through gateways. The directory /var/spool/rwho must exist on the host from which rwho is run. This service takes up progressively more network bandwith as the number of hosts on the local net increases. For large networks, the cost becomes prohibitive. The rwho service daemon, in.rwhod(1M), must be enabled for this command to return useful results. SunOS 5.10 6 Nov 2000 rwho(1)
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