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rmadison(1) [netbsd man page]

RMADISON(1)															       RMADISON(1)

rmadison -- Remotely query the Debian archive database about packages SYNOPSIS
dak ls queries the Debian archive database ("projectb") and displays which package version is registered per architecture/component/suite. The CGI at provides that service without requiring SSH access to or the mirror on This script, rmadison, is a command line frontend to this CGI. OPTIONS
-a, --architecture=ARCH only show info for ARCH(s) -b, --binary-type=TYPE only show info for binary TYPE -c, --component=COMPONENT only show info for COMPONENT(s) -g, --greaterorequal show buildd 'dep-wait pkg >= {highest version}' info -G, --greaterthan show buildd 'dep-wait pkg >> {highest version}' info -h, --help show this help and exit -s, --suite=SUITE only show info for this suite -S, --source-and-binary show info for the binary children of source pkgs -t, --time show projectb snapshot and reload time (not supported by all archives) -u, --url=URL[,URL ...] use URL for the query. Supported shorthands are debian or qa bpo debug ubuntu udd See the RMADISON_URL_MAP_ variable below for a method to add new shorthands. --version show version and exit --no-conf, --noconf don't read the devscripts configuration files ARCH, COMPONENT and SUITE can be comma (or space) separated lists, e.g. --architecture=m68k,i386 CONFIGURATION VARIABLES
The two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are sourced by a shell in that order to set configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are ignored for this purpose. The currently recognised variables are: RMADISON_URL_MAP_SHORTHAND=URL Add an entry to the set of shorthand URLs listed above. SHORTHAND should be replaced with the shorthand form to be used to refer to URL. Multiple shorthand entries may be specified by using multiple RMADISON_URL_MAP_* variables. RMADISON_DEFAULT_URL=URL Set the default URL to use unless overridden by a command line option. RMADISON_ARCHITECTURE=ARCH Set the default architecture to use unless overridden by a command line option. To run an unrestricted query when RMADISON_ARCHITECTURE is set, use --architecture='*'. NOTES
dak ls also supports -r, --regex to treat PACKAGE as a regex. Since that can easily DoS the database ("-r ."), this option is not supported by the CGI and rmadison. dak ls was formerly called madison. The protocol used by rmadison is fairly simple, the CGI accepts query the parameters a, b, c, g, G, s, S, t, and package. The parameter text is passed to enable plain-text output. SEE ALSO
madison-lite(1), dak(1). AUTHOR
rmadison and were written by Christoph Berg <>. dak was written by James Troup <>, Anthony Towns <>, and others. Debian Utilities 2013-12-23 RMADISON(1)

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DCONTROL(1)															       DCONTROL(1)

dcontrol -- Query package and source control files for all Debian distributions SYNOPSIS
dcontrol [options] package[modifiers] [...] DESCRIPTION
dcontrol queries a remote database of Debian binary and source package control files. It can be thought of as an apt-cache webservice that also operates for distributions and architectures different from the local machine. MODIFIERS
Like apt-cache, packages can be suffixed by modifiers: =version Exact version match @architecture Query this only architecture. Use @source for source packages, @binary excludes source packages. /[archive:][suite][/component] Restrict to archive (debian, debian-backports, debian-security, debian-volatile), suite (always codenames, with the exception of experimental), and/or component (main, updates/main, ...). Use two slashes (//) to separate suite and component if the suite name contains slashes. (Component can be left empty.) By default, all versions, suites, and architectures are queried. Refer to for currently supported values. OPTIONS
-s, --show-suites Add headers showing which distribution the control file is from. -d, --debug Print URL queried. -h, --help Show a help message. -V, --version Show version information. CONFIGURATION VARIABLES
The two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are sourced by a shell in that order to set configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are ignored for this purpose. The currently recognised variable is: DCONTROL_URL URL to query. Default is AUTHOR
This program is Copyright (C) 2009 by Christoph Berg <>. This program is licensed under the terms of the GPL, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SEE ALSO
apt-cache(1). Debian Utilities 2013-12-23 DCONTROL(1)
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