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pathchk(1) [netbsd man page]

PATHCHK(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						PATHCHK(1)

pathchk -- check pathnames SYNOPSIS
pathchk [-p] pathname ... DESCRIPTION
The pathchk utility checks whether each of the specified pathname arguments is valid or portable. A diagnostic message is written for each argument that: o Is longer than PATH_MAX bytes. o Contains any component longer than NAME_MAX bytes. (The value of NAME_MAX depends on the underlying file system.) o Contains a directory component that is not searchable. It is not considered an error if a pathname argument contains a nonexistent component as long as a component by that name could be created. The options are as follows: -p Perform portability checks on the specified pathname arguments. Diagnostic messages will be written for each argument that: o Is longer than _POSIX_PATH_MAX (255) bytes. o Contains a component longer than _POSIX_NAME_MAX (14) bytes. o Contains any character not in the portable filename character set (that is, alphanumeric characters, '.', '-' and '_'). No com- ponent may start with the hyphen ('-') character. EXAMPLES
Check whether the names of files in the current directory are portable to other POSIX systems: find . -exec pathchk -p {} + or the more efficient: find . -print0 | xargs -0 pathchk -p SEE ALSO
getconf(1), pathconf(2), stat(2) STANDARDS
The pathchk utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
A pathchk utility appeared in NetBSD 2.0. BSD
November 9, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PATHCHK(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						PATHCHK(1)

pathchk -- check pathnames SYNOPSIS
pathchk [-p] pathname ... DESCRIPTION
The pathchk utility checks whether each of the specified pathname arguments is valid or portable. A diagnostic message is written for each argument that: o Is longer than PATH_MAX bytes. o Contains any component longer than NAME_MAX bytes. (The value of NAME_MAX depends on the underlying file system.) o Contains a directory component that is not searchable. It is not considered an error if a pathname argument contains a nonexistent component as long as a component by that name could be created. The options are as follows: -p Perform portability checks on the specified pathname arguments. Diagnostic messages will be written for each argument that: o Is longer than _POSIX_PATH_MAX (255) bytes. o Contains a component longer than _POSIX_NAME_MAX (14) bytes. o Contains any character not in the portable filename character set (that is, alphanumeric characters, '.', '-' and '_'). No com- ponent may start with the hyphen ('-') character. EXAMPLES
Check whether the names of files in the current directory are portable to other POSIX systems: find . -print | xargs pathchk -p DIAGNOSTICS
The pathchk utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
getconf(1), pathconf(2), stat(2) STANDARDS
The pathchk utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
A pathchk utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. BSD
May 21, 2002 BSD
Man Page

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