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mkdep(1) [netbsd man page]

MKDEP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  MKDEP(1)

mkdep -- construct Makefile dependency list SYNOPSIS
mkdep [-aDdopq] [-f file] [-s suffixes] -- [flags] file ... DESCRIPTION
mkdep takes a set of flags for the C compiler and a list of C source files as arguments and constructs a set of include file dependencies which are written into the file ``.depend''. An example of its use in a Makefile might be: CFLAGS= -O -I../include SRCS= file1.c file2.c depend: mkdep -- ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} where the macro SRCS is the list of C source files and the macro CFLAGS is the list of flags for the C compiler. The options are as follows: -a Append to the output file, so that multiple mkdep's may be run from a single Makefile. -D Post process (as -d) but read the list of filenames from stdin. -d Post process and merge previously created (for example by ``cc -MD x.c'') depend files into a single file. -f Write the include file dependencies to file, instead of the default ``.depend''. -o Add an additional .OPTIONAL line for each dependent file. -p Cause mkdep to produce dependencies of the form: program: program.c so that subsequent makes will produce program directly from its C module rather than using an intermediate .o module. This is useful for programs whose source is contained in a single module. -p is equivalent to specifying a null suffix with -s. -q Do not print a warning for inaccessible files when -d is given. -s Expand each target filename to a list, replacing the '.o' suffix with each element of suffixes. The list of suffixes may be space or comma separated. FILES
.depend File containing list of dependencies. SEE ALSO
cc(1), cpp(1), make(1) HISTORY
The mkdep command appeared in 4.3BSD-Tahoe. BUGS
Some characters special to make(1), most notably the comment character, are not escaped correctly if they appear in file names. This can lead to unparseable output or silently cause dependencies to be lost. BSD
October 15, 2010 BSD

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mkdep(1)						      General Commands Manual							  mkdep(1)

mkdep - generate dependency list from a C program SYNOPSIS
mkdep [-a] [-f depend_file] [-p] [cc_options] file... The mkdep command generates a dependency list file from a C source program. OPTIONS
Causes mkdep to append its output to the end of the dependency file instead of creating a new dependency file. If the dependency file does not exist, mkdep creates it. Specifies a name for the dependency file; overrides the default file name Inhibits mkdep from appending the suffix to the names of object files listed in the output. DESCRIPTION
The mkdep command uses cc(1) to compile a list of dependency files required to build the named C program file or files. The list is for- matted so that it is suitable for inclusion into a makefile for make(1). Duplicate dependency listings for a given program are included only once in the output. You can specify C compiler options by including them in the command line; mkdep passes all unrecognized options through to the compiler. By default, mkdep writes to a file named -f option to specify an alternative output file name. EXAMPLES
The following example illustrates the use of mkdep with the -p option: % cat hello.c #include <stdio.h> main() { printf("%s0","Hello World!"); } % mkdep -p -f hello.depend hello.c % cat hello.depend hello: hello.c /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/standards.h hello: /usr/include/sys/types.h /usr/include/standards.h hello: /usr/include/mach/machine/vm_types.h /usr/include/sys/limits.h hello: /usr/include/standards.h /usr/include/machine/machlimits.h hello: /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h /usr/include/float.h hello: /usr/include/standards.h /usr/include/fp_class.h hello: /usr/include/machine/machtime.h SEE ALSO
Commands: cc(1), make(1) mkdep(1)
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