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mesg(1) [netbsd man page]

MESG(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   MESG(1)

mesg -- display (do not display) messages from other users SYNOPSIS
mesg [n | y] DESCRIPTION
The mesg utility is invoked by a user to control write access others have to the terminal device associated with the standard error output. Write access is allowed by default, and programs such as talk(1) and write(1) may display messages on the terminal. Options available: n Disallows messages. y Permits messages to be displayed. If no arguments are given, mesg displays the present message status to the standard error output. The mesg utility exits with one of the following values: 0 Messages are allowed. 1 Messages are not allowed. >1 An error has occurred. FILES
/dev/[pt]ty[pq]? SEE ALSO
biff(1), talk(1), write(1) HISTORY
A mesg command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD
June 6, 1993 BSD

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MESG(1)                                                            User Commands                                                           MESG(1)

mesg - display (or do not display) messages from other users SYNOPSIS
mesg [option] [n|y] DESCRIPTION
The mesg utility is invoked by a user to control write access others have to the terminal device associated with standard error output. If write access is allowed, then programs such as talk(1) and write(1) may display messages on the terminal. Traditionally, write access is allowed by default. However, as users become more conscious of various security risks, there is a trend to remove write access by default, at least for the primary login shell. To make sure your ttys are set the way you want them to be set, mesg should be executed in your login scripts. ARGUMENTS
n Disallow messages. y Allow messages to be displayed. If no arguments are given, mesg shows the current message status on standard error output. OPTIONS
-v, --verbose Explain what is being done. -V, --version Display version information and exit. -h, --help Display help text and exit. EXIT STATUS
The mesg utility exits with one of the following values: 0 Messages are allowed. 1 Messages are not allowed. >1 An error has occurred. FILES
/dev/[pt]ty[pq]? SEE ALSO
login(1), talk(1), write(1), wall(1), xterm(1) HISTORY
A mesg command appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. AVAILABILITY
The mesg command is part of the util-linux package and is available from util-linux July 2014 MESG(1)
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