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locale(1) [netbsd man page]

LOCALE(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 LOCALE(1)

locale -- get locale-specific information SYNOPSIS
locale [-a | -m] locale [-ck] [keyword ...] DESCRIPTION
The locale utility is supposed to provide most locale specific information to the standard output. When locale is invoked without arguments it will print out a summary of the current locale environment depending on environment variable set- tings and internal status. When locale is invoked with arguments and no options specified it will print out keyword's value determined using current locale settings. The following options are available: -a Write names of all available locales. While looking for locales locale will respect the PATH_LOCALE environment variable, and use it instead of the system default locale directory. -c Write the category name for the selected keywords. -k Write the name and value of the selected keywords. -m Write names of all available charmaps. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS
Special (FreeBSD- / NetBSD-specific) keyword list can be used to retrieve a human readable list of available keywords. DIAGNOSTICS
The locale utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. STANDARDS
locale conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
locale first appeared in NetBSD 2.0. AUTHORS
This implementation of locale was originally written by Alexey Zelkin <> for FreeBSD. BUGS
Since NetBSD does not support charmaps in their POSIX meaning locale emulates the -m option via CODESETs listing of all available locales. BSD
July 4, 2003 BSD

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LOCALE(1)						      General Commands Manual							 LOCALE(1)

locale - Get locale-specific information. SYNOPSIS
locale [ -a | -m] locale [ -ck ] name... DESCRIPTION
The locale program writes information about the current locale environment, or all locales, to standard output. When invoked without arguments, locale summarizes the current locale environment for each locale category defined by the LC_* environment variables. -a, --all-locales Write names of available locales. -m, --charmaps Write names of available charmaps. Output Format: -c, --category-name Write names of selected categories. -k, --keyword-name Write names and values of selected keywords. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
LC_CTYPE Character classification and case conversion. LC_COLLATE Collation order. LC_TIME Date and time formats. LC_NUMERIC Non-monetary numeric formats. LC_MONETARY Monetary formats. LC_MESSAGES Formats of informative and diagnostic messages and interactive responses. AUTHOR
locale is written by Ulrich Drepper for the GNU C Library. This manpage is written by Joel Klecker <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system. 3rd Berkeley Distribution March 2001 LOCALE(1)
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