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gcore(1) [netbsd man page]

GCORE(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  GCORE(1)

gcore -- get core images of running process SYNOPSIS
gcore [-c corename] pid [pid ...] DESCRIPTION
gcore creates a core image of the specified processes suitable for use with gdb(1). By default, the core is written to the file ``<progname>.core'', where ``<progname>'' is the program name of the process corresponding to the pid that is given on the command line. This filename can be changed by supplying the -c corename argument, or setting ``proc.<pid>.corename'' with sysctl(8). FILES
<progname>.core The core image. SEE ALSO
gdb(1), sysctl(8) HISTORY
gcore appeared in BSD 4.2, disappeared in NetBSD 1.2, and reappeared in NetBSD 2.0. BUGS
The process is not stopped while the core file is generated, so it might not be consistent. BSD
January 9, 2005 BSD

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gcore(1)						      General Commands Manual							  gcore(1)

gcore - get core images of running processes SYNOPSIS
filename] process-id... DESCRIPTION
The command creates a core image of each specified process. By default, the name of the core image file for process-id will be The process information in the core file can be obtained by using debuggers. When the command creates a core image of each specified process, the process is temporarily stopped. Further, when the creation of core image is complete, the process continues to execute. Options Creates the core file with name of the file as If multiple process-id values are specified, filename will be common for all the core image files. See the section. Operands process-id The process ID for which a core image file will be created. RETURN VALUE
Upon completion, exits with one of the following values: A core file was successfully created. An error condition was encountered. In such a case, the creation of a core file is not guaranteed. The error conditions could be because of o A nonexistent or incorrect process ID was specified. o An invalid option was specified. o The current working directory of the process or directory from which was invoked had no write permissions. o The current working directory of the process was not accessible. o The file system is full. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Dump the core image of process 1030 in the file "core.1030". Example 2 Dump the core image of the process 1030 in the file "test.1030". Example 3 Dump the core image of the processes 1030, 1031, 1032, and 1033 in the files "core.1030", "core.1031", "core.1032", "core.1033". Example 4 Dump the core image of the processes 1030, 1031, 1032, and 1033 in the files FILES
Core image file for process-id. (Both where is invoked and the current working directory of the process.) AUTHOR
was developed by Chris Bertin (HP). SEE ALSO
adb(1), gdb(1), kill(1), ttrace(2), a.out(4), core(4). gcore(1)
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