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gc(1) [netbsd man page]

GC(1)							      General Commands Manual							     GC(1)

gc - count graph components SYNOPSIS
gc [ -necCaDUrs? ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION
gc is a graph analogue to wc in that it prints to standard output the number of nodes, edges, connected components or clusters contained in the input files. It also prints a total count for all graphs if more than one graph is given. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -n Count nodes. -e Count edges. -c Count connected components. -C Count clusters. By definition, a cluster is a graph or subgraph whose name begins with "cluster". -a Count all. Equivalent to -encC -r Recursively analyze subgraphs. -s Print no output. Only exit value is important. -D Only analyze directed graphs. -U Only analyze undirected graphs. -? Print usage information. By default, gc returns the number of nodes and edges. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: files Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format. If no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 The -U or -E option was used, and a graph of the wrong type was encountered. AUTHOR
Emden R. Gansner <> SEE ALSO
wc(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), sccmap(1), tred(1), libgraph(3) 21 March 2001 GC(1)

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SCCMAP(1)                                                     General Commands Manual                                                    SCCMAP(1)

sccmap - extract strongly connected components of directed graphs SYNOPSIS
sccmap [-dsv] [ -ooutfile ] [ files ] DESCRIPTION
sccmap decomposes digraphs into strongly connected components and an auxiliary map of the relationship between components. In this map, each component is collapsed into a node. The resulting graphs are printed to standard out. The number of nodes, edges and strongly con- nected components are printed to standard error. sccmap is a way of partitioning large graphs into more manageable pieces. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d Preserve degenerate components of only one node. -s Do not print the resulting graphs. Only the statistics are important. -S Just print the resulting graphs. No statistics are printed. -ooutput Prints output to the file output. If not given, sccmap uses stdout. -v Generate additional statistics. In particular, sccmap prints the number of nodes, edges, connected components, and strongly con- nected components, followed by the fraction of nodes in a non-trivial strongly connected components, the maximum degree of the graph, and fraction of non-tree edges in the graph. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: files Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format. If no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used. DIAGNOSTICS
sccmap emits a warning if it encounters an undirected graph, and ignores it. AUTHORS
Stephen C. North <> Emden R. Gansner <> SEE ALSO
gc(1), dot(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), tred(1), libgraph(3) 21 March 2001 SCCMAP(1)
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