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fgen(1) [netbsd man page]

FGEN(1) 						    BSD General Commands Manual 						   FGEN(1)

fgen -- IEEE 1275 Open Firmware FCode Tokenizer SYNOPSIS
fgen [-d level] [-o outfile] infile DESCRIPTION
Reads Forth source and generates tokenized FCode object file. AUTHORS
Written by Eduardo E. Horvath <> BUGS
String escape sequences are not recognized so things such as " foo "(01 02) "n " will result in the string ``foo "(01 02) "n''. Hexadecimal numbers with dots in them such as 100.0000 are not parsed. Permissions on the output file are often incorrect. Output to the standard output device can cause problems. BSD
October 31, 1998 BSD

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SC_ATTACH(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      SC_ATTACH(1)

sc_attach -- simple scamper driver. SYNOPSIS
sc_attach [-?v] [-i infile] [-o outfile] [-p port] DESCRIPTION
The sc_attach utility provides the ability to connect to a running scamper(1) instance, have a set of commands defined in a file be executed, and the output be written into a single file, in warts format. The options are as follows: -? prints a list of command line options and a synopsis of each. -i infile specifies the name of the input file which consists of a sequence of scamper(1) commands, one per line. If '-' is specified, com- mands are read from stdin. -o outfile specifies the name of the output file to be written. The output file will use the warts format. If '-' is specified, output will be sent to stdout. -p port specifies the port on the local host where scamper(1) is accepting control socket connections. -v prints the current revision of sc_attach and exits. EXAMPLE
Given a set of commands in a file named infile.txt: tbit -M 1280 -u '' 2620:0:2d0:200::10 trace -P udp-paris -M ping -P icmp-echo and a scamper(1) daemon listening on port 31337, then these commands can be executed using sc_attach -i infile.txt -o outfile.warts -p 31337 SEE ALSO
scamper(1), sc_wartsdump(1), sc_warts2text(1) AUTHORS
sc_attach is written by Matthew Luckie <>. BSD
October 15, 2010 BSD
Man Page