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dotty(1) [netbsd man page]

DOTTY(1)						      General Commands Manual							  DOTTY(1)

dotty - A Customizable Graph Editor SYNOPSIS
dotty [ -V ] [ file ] DESCRIPTION
dotty is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different graphs. dotty is written on top of dot and lefty. lefty is a general-purpose programmable editor for technical pictures. It has an interpretive programming language similar to AWK and C. The user interface and graph editing operations of dotty are written as lefty functions. Pro- grammer-defined graph operations may be loaded as well. Graph layouts are made by dot, which runs as a separate process that communicates with lefty through pipes. USAGE
The file name is optional. If present, the graph contained in that file is displayed in the dotty window. OPTIONS
-V Prints the version. SEE ALSO
dot(1), lefty(1) dotty user guide. DOTTY(1)

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DOTTY(1)                                                      General Commands Manual                                                     DOTTY(1)

dotty - A Customizable Graph Editor SYNOPSIS
dotty [ -V ] [ file ] DESCRIPTION
dotty is a graph editor for the X Window System. It may be run as a standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use graphs. It can control multiple windows viewing different graphs. dotty is written on top of dot and lefty. lefty is a general-purpose programmable editor for technical pictures. It has an interpretive programming language similar to AWK and C. The user interface and graph editing operations of dotty are written as lefty functions. Pro- grammer-defined graph operations may be loaded as well. Graph layouts are made by dot, which runs as a separate process that communicates with lefty through pipes. USAGE
The file name is optional. If present, the graph contained in that file is displayed in the dotty window. OPTIONS
-V Prints the version. SEE ALSO
dot(1), lefty(1) dotty user guide. DOTTY(1)
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