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csc(1) [netbsd man page]

CSC(1)							      General Commands Manual							    CSC(1)

csc - driver program for the CHICKEN Scheme compiler SYNOPSIS
csc [ filename | option ... ] DESCRIPTION
csc is a program that invokes the CHICKEN compiler and the host systems C compiler to generate an executable from a Scheme source file or C files generated by CHICKEN For a list of options enter csc -help ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
CSC_OPTIONS Can hold default options that should be passed to every invocation of csc CHICKEN_PREFIX An alternative installation prefix, where the Scheme-to-C translator and any support files and libraries are located. Defaults to the installation time prefix given when configuring the system. DOCUMENTATION
More information can be found in the Chicken User's Manual BUGS
Submit bug reports by e-mail to , preferrably using the chicken-bug tool. AUTHOR
chicken(1) chicken-bug(1) 19 Sep 2001 CSC(1)

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CSI(1)							      General Commands Manual							    CSI(1)


csi - The Chicken Scheme Interpreter SYNOPSIS
csi [ pathname | option ... ] DESCRIPTION
csi is an interpreter for the programming language Scheme supporting most of the features as described in the Revised^5 Report on the Algo- rithmic Language Scheme csi is implemented as a program compiled with the chicken compiler. OPTIONS
Enter csi -help for a list of supported command-line options. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH Contains one or more pathnames where the interpreter should also look for include-files, separated by ; characters. CHICKEN_PREFIX Is used as a prefix directory for support files, include-files and libraries. CSI_OPTIONS When set to a string of command-line options, then the options are passed implicitly to every direct or indirect invocation of csi Note that runtime options of the form -... can not be passed using this method. DOCUMENTATION
More information can be found in the CHICKEN User's Manual BUGS
Submit bug reports by e-mail to , preferrably using the chicken-bug tool. AUTHOR
chicken(1) chicken-bug(1) 20 May 2008 CSI(1)
Man Page

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