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atf-sh(1) [netbsd man page]

ATF-SH(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 ATF-SH(1)

atf-sh -- interpreter for shell-based test programs SYNOPSIS
atf-sh script atf-sh -h DESCRIPTION
atf-sh is an interpreter that runs the test program given in script after loading the atf-sh-api(3) library. atf-sh is not a real interpreter though: it is just a wrapper around the system-wide shell defined by the 'atf_shell' configuration value in atf-config(1). atf-sh executes the interpreter, loads the atf-sh-api(3) library and then runs the script. Scripts using atf-sh-api(3) should start with: #! /usr/bin/env atf-sh The following options are available: -h Shows a short summary of all available options and their purpose. For those formats that write to a single file, specifying a '-' as the path will redirect the report to the standard output. SEE ALSO
atf-config(1), atf-sh-api(3), atf(7) BSD
May 9, 2010 BSD

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ATF-CHECK(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					      ATF-CHECK(1)

atf-check -- executes a command and analyzes its results SYNOPSIS
atf-check [-s qual:value] [-o action:arg ...] [-e action:arg ...] [-x] command atf-check -h DESCRIPTION
atf-check executes a given command and analyzes its results, including exit code, stdout and stderr. In the first synopsis form, atf-check will execute the provided command and apply checks specified by arguments. By default it will act as if it was run with -s exit:0 -o empty -e empty. Multiple checks for the same output channel are allowed and, if specified, their results will be combined as a logical and (meaning that the output must match all the provided checks). In the second synopsis form, atf-check will print information about all supported options and their purpose. The following options are available: -h Shows a short summary of all available options and their purpose. -s qual:value Analyzes termination status. Must be one of: exit:<value> checks that the program exited cleanly and that its exit status is equal to value. The exit code can be omit- ted altogether, in which case any clean exit is accepted. ignore ignores the exit check. signal:<value> checks that the program exited due to a signal and that the signal that terminated it is value. The signal can be specified both as a number or as a name, or it can also be omitted altogether, in which case any signal is accepted. Most of these checkers can be prefixed by the 'not-' string, which effectively reverses the check. -o action:arg Analyzes standard output. Must be one of: empty checks that stdout is empty ignore ignores stdout file:<path> compares stdout with given file inline:<value> compares stdout with inline value match:<regexp> looks for a regular expression in stdout save:<path> saves stdout to given file Most of these checkers can be prefixed by the 'not-' string, which effectively reverses the check. -e action:arg Analyzes standard error (syntax identical to above) -x Executes command as a shell command line, executing it with the system shell defined by ATF_SHELL in atf-config(1). You should avoid using this flag if at all possible to prevent shell quoting issues. EXIT STATUS
atf-check exits 0 on success, and other (unspecified) value on failure. EXAMPLES
# Exit code 0, nothing on stdout/stderr atf-check 'true' # Typical usage if failure is expected atf-check -s not-exit:0 'false' # Checking stdout/stderr echo foobar >expout atf-check -o file:expout -e inline:"xx yy " 'echo foobar ; printf "xx yy " >&2' # Checking for a crash atf-check -s signal:sigsegv my_program # Combined checks atf-check -o match:foo -o not-match:bar echo foo baz SEE ALSO
atf-config(1), atf(7) BSD
June 27, 2010 BSD
Man Page