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create_tablespace(7) [mojave man page]

CREATE TABLESPACE - define a new tablespace SYNOPSIS
CREATE TABLESPACE tablespacename [ OWNER username ] LOCATION 'directory' DESCRIPTION
CREATE TABLESPACE registers a new cluster-wide tablespace. The tablespace name must be distinct from the name of any existing tablespace in the database cluster. A tablespace allows superusers to define an alternative location on the file system where the data files containing database objects (such as tables and indexes) can reside. A user with appropriate privileges can pass tablespacename to CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX or ADD CONSTRAINT to have the data files for these objects stored within the specified tablespace. PARAMETERS
tablespacename The name of a tablespace to be created. The name cannot begin with pg_, as such names are reserved for system tablespaces. username The name of the user who will own the tablespace. If omitted, defaults to the user executing the command. Only superusers can create tablespaces, but they can assign ownership of tablespaces to non-superusers. directory The directory that will be used for the tablespace. The directory must be empty and must be owned by the PostgreSQL system user. The directory must be specified by an absolute path name. NOTES
Tablespaces are only supported on systems that support symbolic links. CREATE TABLESPACE cannot be executed inside a transaction block. EXAMPLES
Create a tablespace dbspace at /data/dbs: CREATE TABLESPACE dbspace LOCATION '/data/dbs'; Create a tablespace indexspace at /data/indexes owned by user genevieve: CREATE TABLESPACE indexspace OWNER genevieve LOCATION '/data/indexes'; COMPATIBILITY
CREATE DATABASE [create_database(7)], CREATE TABLE [create_table(7)], CREATE INDEX [create_index(7)], DROP TABLESPACE [drop_tablespace(7)], ALTER TABLESPACE [alter_tablespace(7)] SQL - Language Statements 2010-05-14 CREATE TABLESPACE(7)

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INDEX(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation ALTER INDEX(7) NAME
ALTER_INDEX - change the definition of an index SYNOPSIS
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] name RENAME TO new_name ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] name SET TABLESPACE tablespace_name ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] name SET ( storage_parameter = value [, ... ] ) ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] name RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] ) DESCRIPTION
ALTER INDEX changes the definition of an existing index. There are several subforms: IF EXISTS Do not throw an error if the index does not exist. A notice is issued in this case. RENAME The RENAME form changes the name of the index. There is no effect on the stored data. SET TABLESPACE This form changes the index's tablespace to the specified tablespace and moves the data file(s) associated with the index to the new tablespace. See also CREATE TABLESPACE (CREATE_TABLESPACE(7)). SET ( storage_parameter = value [, ... ] ) This form changes one or more index-method-specific storage parameters for the index. See CREATE INDEX (CREATE_INDEX(7)) for details on the available parameters. Note that the index contents will not be modified immediately by this command; depending on the parameter you might need to rebuild the index with REINDEX(7) to get the desired effects. RESET ( storage_parameter [, ... ] ) This form resets one or more index-method-specific storage parameters to their defaults. As with SET, a REINDEX might be needed to update the index entirely. PARAMETERS
name The name (possibly schema-qualified) of an existing index to alter. new_name The new name for the index. tablespace_name The tablespace to which the index will be moved. storage_parameter The name of an index-method-specific storage parameter. value The new value for an index-method-specific storage parameter. This might be a number or a word depending on the parameter. NOTES
These operations are also possible using ALTER TABLE (ALTER_TABLE(7)). ALTER INDEX is in fact just an alias for the forms of ALTER TABLE that apply to indexes. There was formerly an ALTER INDEX OWNER variant, but this is now ignored (with a warning). An index cannot have an owner different from its table's owner. Changing the table's owner automatically changes the index as well. Changing any part of a system catalog index is not permitted. EXAMPLES
To rename an existing index: ALTER INDEX distributors RENAME TO suppliers; To move an index to a different tablespace: ALTER INDEX distributors SET TABLESPACE fasttablespace; To change an index's fill factor (assuming that the index method supports it): ALTER INDEX distributors SET (fillfactor = 75); REINDEX INDEX distributors; COMPATIBILITY
ALTER INDEX is a PostgreSQL extension. SEE ALSO
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