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ctanh(3) [mojave man page]

CTANH(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  CTANH(3)

ctanh -- complex hyperbolic tangent function SYNOPSIS
double complex ctanh(double complex z); long double complex ctanhl(long double complex z); float complex ctanhf(float complex z); DESCRIPTION
ctanh(z) computes the hyperbolic tangent of the complex floating-point number z. For all complex floating point numbers z, ctanh(conj(z)) = conj(ctanh(z)), ctanh(-z) = -ctanh(z). SPECIAL VALUES
The symmetries of ctanh() are used to abbreviate the specification of special values. ctanh(0 + 0i) returns 0 + 0i. ctanh(0 + inf i) returns NaN + NaN i, and raises the invalid flag. ctanh(0 + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i. ctanh(x + inf i) returns NaN + NaN i, and raises the invalid flag, for finite nonzero x. ctanh(x + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i, for finite nonzero x. ctanh(inf + 0i) returns 1 + 0i. ctanh(inf + yi) returns 1 +- 0i, for finite positive y, with the sign chosen to match the sign of sin(2y). ctanh(inf + inf i) returns 1 + 0i. ctanh(inf + NaN i) returns 1 + 0i. ctanh(NaN + 0i) returns NaN + 0i. ctanh(NaN + yi) returns NaN + NaN i, for nonzero numbers y. ctanh(NaN + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i. NOTES
ctan(3) complex(3) STANDARDS
The ctanh() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. 4th Berkeley Distribution December 11, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution

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CATANH(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						 CATANH(3)

catanh -- complex inverse hyperbolic tangent function SYNOPSIS
double complex catanh(double complex z); long double complex catanhl(long double complex z); float complex catanhf(float complex z); DESCRIPTION
catanh(z) computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the complex floating-point number z, with branch cuts outside the interval [-1, 1] along the real axis. catanh() returns values in a strip of the complex plane with imaginary part in the interval [-Pi/2, Pi/2]. For all complex floating point numbers z, catanh(conj(z)) = conj(catanh(z)). catanh(-z) = -catanh(z) SPECIAL VALUES
The symmetries of catanh() are used to abbreviate the specification of special values. catanh(0 + 0i) returns 0 + 0 i. catanh(0 + NaN i) returns 0 + NaN i. catanh(1 + 0i) returns inf + 0i and raises the divide-by-zero flag. catanh(x + inf i) returns 0 + Pi/2 i, for finite positive-signed x. catanh(x + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i, for non-zero finite x. catanh(inf + yi) returns 0 + Pi/2 i, for finite positive-signed y. catanh(inf + inf i) returns 0 + Pi/2 i. catanh(inf + NaN i) returns 0 + NaN i. catanh(NaN + yi) returns NaN + NaN i, for finite y. catanh(NaN + inf i) returns 0 + Pi/2 i. catanh(NaN + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i. NOTES
ctanh(3) complex(3) STANDARDS
The catanh() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:2011. 4th Berkeley Distribution December 11, 2006 4th Berkeley Distribution
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