List file types

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# 1  
Old 10-28-2013
List file types

Hello everyone - I have a task of listing files from a directory together with their type.
I tried using
ls -l | file -b

or different versions of that but that did not work.
I will need this to be in a C shell script that will list the file name, size and type from a directory.
I can do both of them separated but not in one line display.
So the final output should be:

filename filesize and filetype (i.e. asci, doc, etc)

Thank you!
# 2  
Old 10-28-2013
If you don't have the file utility, install it. Otherwise you're stuck trying to identify them yourself.
# 3  
Old 10-28-2013
No no.
I do have it and it works - I jus don't know how to pipe it with ls -p
To get it to work.

Does that make sense?
Thank you.
# 4  
Old 10-28-2013
Ah, I see.

You can use the xargs utility to feed arguments from lines into commands that take arguments. echo a b c | xargs cat is equivalent to cat a b c for example.

ls -b | grep -v "/$" | xargs file -b

If your filenames contain spaces, this may be insufficient, and solutions would be system-dependent. On GNU/Linux you could do
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs --null file -b

# 5  
Old 10-28-2013
Maybe I am not clear enough - my task is to list the files from the current directory in the following format:
FileName FileSize FileType

So I was able to do the first 2 columns by using the following C shell:

awk 'BEGIN {printf "%-15s %-15s %-15s\n","Filename","Filesize","DateModified"}'

foreach file (*)
if (-f $file) then
   set x = `ls -l $file`
   #echo $x | awk '{ printf "%-15s %-15s %-3s %-3s %-6s\n", $9, $5, $6, $7, $8}'
   echo $x | awk '{ printf "%-15s %-15s %-3s %-3s %-6s\n", $9, $5, $6, $7, $8}'

Now I need to find a way to add the file type to that using filecommand
I tried your code:
ls -b | grep -v "/$" | xargs file -b

but that did not work.
# 6  
Old 10-28-2013
I tried and it works..( as in corona's post it suggest you run it on a linux and you have GNU utils...) If you want us to help your should give the output of the command or the error message you get!
I think it is more the -b option of file that is not supported on your system...
# 7  
Old 10-28-2013
Here is what i get when I try to run the following command:
ls -b | grep -v "/$" | xargs file -b

Illegal variable name - I think is has to do with grep -v "/$"
I can run ls -b with no problem.
List file types-10-28-2013-12-56-58-pmjpg
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