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auvaltool(1) [mojave man page]

AUVAL(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  AUVAL(1)

auval -- AudioUnit validation SYNOPSIS
auval [-s TYPE] [-a] [-v|vt TYPE SUBT MANU [-w] [-de] [-dw]] [-f file] DESCRIPTION
AUValidation tests a specified AudioUnit for API and behavioural conformance. returns: OK: 0, malformed execution: 1, unit not conformant: -1 OPTIONS
-h print help text -a lists all available AudioUnits of any type -s TYPE lists all available AudioUnits of type 'TYPE' -v TYPE SUBT MANU opens the AudioUnit specified by the TYPE SUBT MANU component ID's and tests that unit. -vt TYPE MANU iterates through all of the AU's of specified TYPE and MANU -de execution is terminated when first error is encountered -dw execution is terminated when first warning is encountered -c continue validating when an error occurs in batch mode. -q quiet - does no printing except for errors or warnings -qp doesn't print parameter or Factory Presets information -o only runs a basic open and initialize test. good for debugging basic functionality -r N repeat the whole process of validation N times. good for catching open/init bugs. -w wait after finished - good for profiling memory usage see 'man leaks' -vers The version is printed to stdout. -versh The version is printed to stdout in hexadecimal. -f FILENAME Each line in the file should contain one complete command. Darwin February 13, 2006 Darwin

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GTESTER(1)							   User Commands							GTESTER(1)

gtester - test running utility SYNOPSIS
gtester [OPTION...] [testprogram] DESCRIPTION
gtester is a utility to run unit tests that have been written using the GLib test framework. When called with the -o option, gtester writes an XML report of the test results, which can be converted into HTML using the gtester-report utility. OPTIONS
-h, --help print help and exit -v, --version print version information and exit --g-fatal-warnings make warnings fatal -k, --keep-going continue running after tests failed -l list paths of available test cases -m=MODE run test cases in MODE, which can be one of: perf run performance tests slow, thorough run slow tests, or repeat non-deterministic tests more often quick do not run slow or performance tests, or do extra repeats of non-deterministic tests (default) undefined run test cases that deliberately provoke checks or assertion failures, if implemented (default) no-undefined do not run test cases that deliberately provoke checks or assertion failures -p=TESTPATH only run test cases matching TESTPATH -s=TESTPATH skip test cases matching TESTPATH --seed=SEEDSTRING run all test cases with random number seed SEEDSTRING -o=LOGFILE write the test log to LOGFILE -q, --quiet suppress per test binary output --verbose report success per testcase SEE ALSO
gtester-report(1) GLib GTESTER(1)
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