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rarpd(8) [minix man page]

RARPD(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  RARPD(8)

rarpd - reverse address resolution protocol daemon SYNOPSIS
rarpd [-d] DESCRIPTION
Rarpd listens on the ethernet for broadcast packets asking for reverse address resolution. These packets are sent by hosts at boot time to find out their IP address. Rarpd looks up the six octet ethernet number in the /etc/ethers file finding a host name. This name is trans- lated to the IP address of the host by a DNS lookup. The IP address is then sent to the host. Before rarpd can start its service it first finds out what the IP addresses of the ethernets are. It will look through /etc/ethers to map the ethernet addresses to host names. It then uses /etc/hosts to map the host names to IP addresses. If this lookup fails then several RARP requests are broadcasted in the hope that some RARP server knows the addresses. The IP addresses are eventually set in the same way as ifconfig(8). (The address is not changed if already set with ifconfig.) Note that the host names in the ethers and hosts files must match exactly. The DNS can not be used yet, so a simple name can't be translated to a fully qualified name. Rarpd exits after startup if there are no active ethernets, or if there is no ethers file. Warning! Sun diskless workstations assume that the first RARP server that answers is the host they are to boot from. For this to work all other Sun RARP servers delay their answer if they are not also the requestors boot server. The Minix rarpd does not have this kludge so it will happily engage the Sun boot server to see who can answer the client first. Unless your Minix host can actually serve a Sun diskless client, it is better not to list any more hosts in the ethers file than necessary. OPTIONS
-d Turns on debugging messages. Debugging can also be turned on at runtime by sending signal SIGUSR1 or turned off with SIGUSR2. SEE ALSO
ifconfig(8), ethers(5), hosts(5), set_net_default(8), boot(8), inetd(8), irdpd(8), nonamed(8). AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( RARPD(8)

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RARP(8) 						     Linux Programmer's Manual							   RARP(8)

rarpd - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) daemon SYNOPSIS
rarpd [-aAvode] [-b bootdir] [interface] DESCRIPTION
Rarpd is a daemon which responds to RARP requests. RARP is used by some machines at boot time to discover their IP address. They provide their Ethernet address and rarpd responds with their IP address if it finds it in the ethers database (either /etc/ethers file or NIS+ lookup) and using DNS lookup if ethers database contains a hostname and not an IP address. By default rarpd also checks if a bootable image with a name starting with the IP address in hexadecimal uppercase letters is present in the TFTP boot directory (usually /tftpboot ) before it decides to respond to the RARP request. The optional argument interface restricts the daemon instance to access only the indicated network interface. Only a single name is possi- ble. OPTIONS
-a Do not bind to the interface. -A Respond to ARP as well as RARP requests. -v Tell the user what is going on by being verbose. -d Debugging mode. Do not detach from the tty. This also implies verbose mode. -e Skip the check for bootable image in the TFTP boot directory. If not present, then even if the Ethernet address is present in the ethers database but the bootable image for the resolved IP does not exist, rarpd will not respond to the request. -o Accept offlink packages on the active interfaces. -b bootdir Access bootdir instead of the default /tftpboot as the TFTP boot directory for bootable image checks. OBSOLETES
This daemon rarpd obsoletes kernel rarp daemon present in Linux kernels up to 2.2 which was controlled by the rarp(8) command. SIGNALS
SIGHUP Renew the internal address list, which records IPv4 addresses available at each active network interface. The restriction set by the command line argument interface is still in effect, if in use. FILES
/etc/ethers, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /tftpboot SEE ALSO
ethers(5) AUTHORS
Alexey Kuznetsov, <> Jakub Jelinek, <> rarpd 7 April 2000 RARP(8)
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