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pr_route(8) [minix man page]

PR_ROUTE(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       PR_ROUTE(8)

pr_routes - show IP routing. SYNOPSIS
pr_routes [-i ip device] DESCRIPTION
Pr_routes displays the IP routing table. OPTIONS
-i ip device specifies the ip device. SEE ALSO
add_routes(8), irdp(8). AUTHOR
Pr_routes.c was written by Philip Homburg. This manual page by A. S. Woodhull, last revised 13.02.96. PR_ROUTE(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DNROUTE(8)						      System Manager's Manual							DNROUTE(8)

dnroute - DECnet Routing Daemon SYNOPSIS
dnroute [options] Options: [-dvV2Dtnhr] DESCRIPTION
dnroute is a daemon that manages the DECnet routing tables to provide a simple but probably useful routing policy. dnroute listens for incoming routing messages and adds routes in the kernel for non-local areas that it sees. Routes will be modifed according to these messages so that the lowest cost route that is up will always be used. Routes to locally accessible nodes (it those in the neighbour table) will also be added. If you want to keep manual control of the route to a particular area, then add a line into dnroute.conf. eg: manual 26 will disable dnroute's setting of routing tables for that area. dnetinfo will still show the route that would have been set with (M) on the line to show it has been overidden. To implement its routing policies dnroute assumes that all interfaces on the system have a cost of 4. To change this add lines in /etc/dnroute.conf for each of the interfaces you need to change. eg eth0 6 eth1 8 tap0 10 A script called dnetinfo is provided that gets the routing information from dnroute and displays it on stdout in a format similar to the VMS command SHOW NET/OLD. OPTIONS
-d Don't fork and run the background. Use this for debugging. -v Verbose. Log route changes to syslog. -D Debug log. Writes debugging information to stderr. Only useful with -d. -h -? Displays help for using the command. -r Send DECnet routing messages showing the state of local nodes. -2 Send DECnet level 2 (area) routing messages. Implies -r. -t <secs> Timer to send routing messages on. Defaults to 15 seconds. -n Do not set up routes or send routing messages, just monitor the network. Useful for testing. -V Show the version of dnroute. SEE ALSO
dnetd.conf(5), ip(8) DECnet utilities March 30 2006 DNROUTE(8)
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