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partitio(8) [minix man page]

PARTITION(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      PARTITION(8)

partition - make a partition table SYNOPSIS
partition [-mf] device [type:]size[+*] ... DESCRIPTION
Partition makes a partition table on device using the types and sizes given. It may be used in combination with repartition(8) for auto- matic installation of Minix. You may give up to four type:size[+*] specifications for the partitions. You may also specify holes before, between, and after the parti- tions. A hole differs from a partition specification by not having a type. The first hole is by default 1 sector to make space for the primary bootstrap and the partition table. The other holes are 0. The type field is the type of the partitition in hexadecimal. The size field is the partition's size in sectors. The + or * may option- ally be added to indicate that the partition must be expanded to contain any leftover space on the device or to mark the partition active. Partitions are padded out to cylinder boundaries, except for the first one, it starts on track 1. Some operating systems care about this. Minix and MS-DOS do not. OPTIONS
-m Minix only, no need to pad partitions. This is the default for subpartition tables. -f Force making a partition table even if the device is too small. EXAMPLE
partition /dev/hd0 01:16384 81:40000 81:2880* 06:20000+ Partitions disk 0 into an 8 Mb DOS partition, 20 Mb Minix /usr, 1.44 Mb Minix / (active), and a DOS partition of at least 10 Mb at the end of the disk. (06:0+ would have been ok too, it's just a sanity check.) SEE ALSO
hd(4), part(8), repartition(8). AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( PARTITION(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

FDISK(8)						      System Manager's Manual							  FDISK(8)

fdisk - partition a hard disk [IBM] SYNOPSIS
fdisk [-hm] [-sn] [file] OPTIONS
-h Number of disk heads is m -s Number of sectors per track is n EXAMPLES
fdisk /dev/hd0 # Examine disk partitions fdisk -h9 /dev/hd0 # Examine disk with 9 heads DESCRIPTION
When fdisk starts up, it reads in the partition table and displays it. It then presents a menu to allow the user to modify partitions, store the partition table on a file, or load it from a file. Partitions can be marked as MINIX, DOS or other, as well as active or not. Using fdisk is self-explanatory. However, be aware that repartitioning a disk will cause information on it to be lost. Rebooting the sys- tem immediately is mandatory after changing partition sizes and parameters. MINIX, XENIX, PC-IX, and MS-DOS all have different partition numbering schemes. Thus when using multiple systems on the same disk, be careful. Note that MINIX, unlike MS-DOS , cannot access the last sector in a partition with an odd number of sectors. The reason that odd partition sizes do not cause a problem with MS-DOS is that MS-DOS allocates disk space in units of 512-byte sectors, whereas MINIX uses 1K blocks. Fdisk has a variety of other features that can be seen by typing h. Fdisk normally knows the geometry of the device by asking the driver. You can use the -h and -s options to override the numbers found. SEE ALSO
part(8). FDISK(8)
Man Page

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