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bcopy(8) [minix man page]

BCOPY(8)					     Network backup, recovery and verification						  BCOPY(8)

bcopy - Bacula's 'Copy from tape' SYNOPSIS
bcopy [options] input-archive output-archive DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the bcopy command. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. -? Show version and usage of program. -b bootstrap Specify a bootstrap file. -c config Specify configuration file. -d nn Set debug level to nn. -dt Print timestamp in debug output. -i input Specify input Volume names (separated by '|') -o output Specify output Volume names (separated by '|') -p Proceed inspite of I/O errors. -w directory Specify working directory (default /tmp). -v Set verbose mode. SEE ALSO
bls(1), bextract(1). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Jose Luis Tallon <>. Kern Sibbald 26 November 2009 BCOPY(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

BLS(8)						     Network backup, recovery and verification						    BLS(8)

bls - Bacula's 'Tape LS' SYNOPSIS
bls [options] <device-name> DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the bls command. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. -? Show version and usage of program. -b bootstrap Specify a bootstrap file. -c config Specify configuration file. -d nn Set debug level to nn. -dt Print timestamp in debug output -e <file> Specify exclude list file. -i <file> Specify include list file. -j List jobs. -k List blocks. (no -j or -k option) List saved files -L Dump label. -p Proceed inspite of errors. -V volumes Specify volume names (separated by '|'). -v Set verbose mode. SEE ALSO
bscan(8), bextract(8). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Jose Luis Tallon <>. Kern Sibbald 26 November 2009 BLS(8)
Man Page

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