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groff_mmse(7) [minix man page]

GROFF_MMSE(7)						 Miscellaneous Information Manual					     GROFF_MMSE(7)

groff_mmse - svenska mm makro for groff SYNTAX
groff -mmse [ flaggor... ] [ filer... ] BESKRIVNING
mmse ar en svensk variant av mm. Alla texter ar oversatta. En A4 sida far text som ar 13 cm bred, 3.5 cm indragning samt ar 28.5 cm hog. Det finns stod for brevuppstallning enligt svensk standard for vanster och hogerjusterad text. COVER kan anvanda se_ms som argument. Detta ger ett svenskt forsattsblad. Se groff_mm(7) for ovriga detaljer. BREV
Tillgangliga brevtyper: .LT SVV Vansterstalld loptext med adressat i position T0 (vansterstallt). .LT SVH Hogerstalld loptext med adressat i position T4 (passar fonsterkuvert). Foljande extra LO-variabler anvands. .LO DNAMN namn Anger dokumentets namn. .LO MDAT datum Mottagarens datum, anges under Ert datum: (LetMDAT). .LO BIL strang Anger bilaga, nummer eller strang med Bilaga (LetBIL) som prefix. .LO KOMP text Anger kompletteringsuppgift. .LO DBET beteckning Anger dokumentbeteckning eller dokumentnummer. .LO BET beteckning Anger beteckning (arendebeteckning i form av diarienummer eller liknande). .LO SIDOR antal Anger totala antalet sidor och skrivs ut efter sidnumret inom parenteser. Om makrot .TP ar definierat anropas det efter utskrift av brevhuvudet. Dar lagger man lampligen in postadress och annat som brevfot. SKRIVET AV
Jorgen Hagg, Lund, Sweden <> FILER
/usr/share/groff/1.18.1/tmac/tmac.mse /usr/share/groff/1.18.1/tmac/mm/se_*.cov SE OCKSA
groff(1), troff(1), tbl(1), pic(1), eqn(1) groff_mm(7) Groff Version 1.18.1 09 December 2001 GROFF_MMSE(7)

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GROFF_MOM(7)						 Miscellaneous Information Manual					      GROFF_MOM(7)

groff_mom - groff `mom' macros SYNOPSIS
pdfmom [-Tps [pdfroff options]] [groff options] files ... groff [-mom] files ... groff [-m mom] files ... DESCRIPTION
mom is a macro set for groff, designed primarily to format documents for PDF and PostScript output. mom provides two categories of macros: macros for typesetting, and macros for document processing. The typesetting macros provide access to groff's typesetting capabilities in ways that are simpler to master than groff's primitives. The document processing macros provide highly customizable markup tags that allow the user to design and output professional-looking documents with a minimum of typesetting intervention. Files processed with pdfmom (man(1) pdfmom), with or without the -Tps option, produce PDF documents. The documents include a PDF outline that appears in the 'Contents' panel of document viewers, and may contain clickable internal and external links. When -Tps is absent, groff's native PDF driver, gropdf, is used to generate the output. When given, the output is still PDF, but process- ing is passed over to pdfroff, which uses groff's PostScript driver, grops. Not all PDF features are available when -Tps is given; its primary use is to allow processing of files with embedded PostScript images. Files processed with groff -mom (or -m mom ) produce PostScript output by default. mom comes with her own very complete documentation in HTML format. A separate PDF manual, Producing PDFs with groff and mom, covers full mom/PDF usage. FILES
om.tmac - the main macro file mom.tmac - a wrapper file that calls om.tmac directly. </usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/html/mom/toc.html> - entry point to the HTML documentation /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/pdf/mom-pdf.pdf - the PDF manual, Producing PDFs with groff and mom /usr/share/doc/groff-1.22.2/examples/mom/*.mom - example files using mom AUTHOR
mom was written by Peter Schaffter <>. PDF support was provided by Deri James <>. Please send bug reports to the groff-bug mailing list <> or directly to the authors. Groff Version 1.22.2 7 February 2013 GROFF_MOM(7)
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