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ati(4) [minix man page]

ATI(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							    ATI(4)

ati - ATI video driver SYNOPSIS
Section "Device" Identifier "devname" Driver "ati" ... EndSection DESCRIPTION
ati is an Xorg wrapper driver for ATI video cards. It autodetects whether your hardware has a Radeon, Rage 128, or Mach64 or earlier class of chipset, and loads the radeon(4), r128(4), or mach64 driver as appropriate. SUPPORTED HARDWARE
The ati driver supports Radeon, Rage 128, and Mach64 and earlier chipsets by loading those drivers. See those manpages for specific cards supported. CONFIGURATION DETAILS
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details, and the specific card driver for driver configuration details. SEE ALSO
Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7), r128(4), radeon(4) AUTHORS
See the individual driver pages for authors. X Version 11 xf86-video-ati 6.14.99 ATI(4)

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ATI(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							    ATI(4)

ati - ATI video driver SYNOPSIS
Section "Device" Identifier "devname" Driver "ati" ... EndSection DESCRIPTION
ati is an Xorg wrapper driver for ATI video cards. It autodetects whether your hardware has a Radeon, Rage 128, or Mach64 or earlier class of chipset, and loads the radeon(4), r128(4), or mach64 driver as appropriate. SUPPORTED HARDWARE
The ati driver supports Radeon, Rage 128, and Mach64 and earlier chipsets by loading those drivers. See those manpages for specific cards supported. CONFIGURATION DETAILS
Please refer to xorg.conf(5) for general configuration details, and the specific card driver for driver configuration details. SEE ALSO
Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5), Xserver(1), X(7), r128(4), radeon(4) AUTHORS
See the individual driver pages for authors. X Version 11 xf86-video-ati 6.14.99 ATI(4)
Man Page

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