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uuid_parse(3) [minix man page]

UUID_PARSE(3)							    Libuuid API 						     UUID_PARSE(3)

uuid_parse - convert an input UUID string into binary representation SYNOPSIS
#include <uuid.h> int uuid_parse( char *in, uuid_t uu); DESCRIPTION
The uuid_parse function converts the UUID string given by in into the binary representation. The input UUID is a string of the form 1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-b9a761bde3fb (in printf(3) format "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x", 36 bytes plus the trailing ''). RETURN VALUE
Upon successfully parsing the input string, 0 is returned, and the UUID is stored in the location pointed to by uu, otherwise -1 is returned. CONFORMING TO
libuuid is part of the util-linux package since version 2.15.1 and is available from SEE ALSO
uuid(3), uuid_clear(3), uuid_compare(3), uuid_copy(3), uuid_generate(3), uuid_is_null(3), uuid_time(3), uuid_unparse(3) util-linux May 2009 UUID_PARSE(3)

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UUID_PARSE(3)						     Library Functions Manual						     UUID_PARSE(3)

uuid_parse - convert an input UUID string into the libuuid internal format SYNOPSIS
#include <uuid/uuid.h> int uuid_parse( char *in, uuid_t uu); DESCRIPTION
The uuid_parse function converts the UUID string given by in into the internal uuid_t format. The input UUID is a string of the form 1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-b9a761bde3fb (in printf(3) format "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x", 36 bytes plus the trailing ''). RETURN VALUE
Upon successfully parsing the input string, 0 is returned, and the UUID is stored in the location pointed to by uu, otherwise -1 is returned. CONFORMING TO
uuid_parse was written by Theodore Y. Ts'o for the ext2 filesystem utilties. AVAILABILITY
uuid_parse is part of libuuid from the e2fsprogs package and is available from SEE ALSO
libuuid(3), uuid_clear(3), uuid_compare(3), uuid_copy(3), uuid_generate(3), uuid_is_null(3), uuid_time(3), uuid_unparse(3) E2fsprogs version 1.32 November 2002 UUID_PARSE(3)
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