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open_memstream(3) [minix man page]

OPEN_MEMSTREAM(3)					     Linux Programmer's Manual						 OPEN_MEMSTREAM(3)

open_memstream, open_wmemstream - open a dynamic memory buffer stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> FILE *open_memstream(char **ptr, size_t *sizeloc); #include <wchar.h> FILE *open_wmemstream(wchar_t **ptr, size_t *sizeloc); Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)): open_memstream(), open_wmemstream(): Since glibc 2.10: _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L Before glibc 2.10: _GNU_SOURCE DESCRIPTION
The open_memstream() function opens a stream for writing to a memory buffer. The function dynamically allocates the buffer, and the buffer automatically grows as needed. Initially, the buffer has a size of zero. After closing the stream, the caller should free(3) this buffer. The locations pointed to by ptr and sizeloc are used to report, respectively, the current location and the size of the buffer. The loca- tions referred to by these pointers are updated each time the stream is flushed (fflush(3)) and when the stream is closed (fclose(3)). These values remain valid only as long as the caller performs no further output on the stream. If further output is performed, then the stream must again be flushed before trying to access these values. A null byte is maintained at the end of the buffer. This byte is not included in the size value stored at sizeloc. The stream maintains the notion of a current position, which is initially zero (the start of the buffer). Each write operation implicitly adjusts the buffer position. The stream's buffer position can be explicitly changed with fseek(3) or fseeko(3). Moving the buffer posi- tion past the end of the data already written fills the intervening space with null characters. The open_wmemstream() is similar to open_memstream(), but operates on wide characters instead of bytes. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, open_memstream() and open_wmemstream() return a FILE pointer. Otherwise, NULL is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. VERSIONS
open_memstream() was already available in glibc 1.0.x. open_wmemstream() is available since glibc 2.4. ATTRIBUTES
For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7). +------------------+---------------+---------+ |Interface | Attribute | Value | +------------------+---------------+---------+ |open_memstream(), | Thread safety | MT-Safe | |open_wmemstream | | | +------------------+---------------+---------+ CONFORMING TO
POSIX.1-2008. These functions are not specified in POSIX.1-2001, and are not widely available on other systems. NOTES
There is no file descriptor associated with the file stream returned by these functions (i.e., fileno(3) will return an error if called on the returned stream). BUGS
In glibc before version 2.7, seeking past the end of a stream created by open_memstream() does not enlarge the buffer; instead the fseek(3) call fails, returning -1. EXAMPLE
See fmemopen(3). SEE ALSO
fmemopen(3), fopen(3), setbuf(3) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at GNU
2017-09-15 OPEN_MEMSTREAM(3)

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FMEMOPEN(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						       FMEMOPEN(3)

fmemopen, open_memstream, open_wmemstream - open memory as stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> FILE *fmemopen(void *buf, size_t size, const char *mode); FILE *open_memstream(char **ptr, size_t *sizeloc); #include <wchar.h> FILE *open_wmemstream(wchar_t **ptr, size_t *sizeloc); Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)): fmemopen(), open_memstream(), open_wmemstream(): Since glibc 2.10: _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 700 || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L Before glibc 2.10: _GNU_SOURCE DESCRIPTION
The fmemopen() function opens a stream that permits the access specified by mode. The stream allows I/O to be performed on the string or memory buffer pointed to by buf. This buffer must be at least size bytes long. The argument mode is the same as for fopen(3). If mode specifies an append mode, then the initial file position is set to the location of the first null byte ('') in the buffer; otherwise the initial file position is set to the start of the buffer. Since glibc 2.9, the let- ter 'b' may be specified as the second character in mode. This provides "binary" mode: writes don't implicitly add a terminating null byte, and fseek(3) SEEK_END is relative to the end of the buffer (i.e., the value specified by the size argument), rather than the current string length. When a stream that has been opened for writing is flushed (fflush(3)) or closed (fclose(3)), a null byte is written at the end of the buf- fer if there is space. The caller should ensure that an extra byte is available in the buffer (and that size counts that byte) to allow for this. Attempts to write more than size bytes to the buffer result in an error. (By default, such errors will only be visible when the stdio buf- fer is flushed. Disabling buffering with setbuf(fp, NULL) may be useful to detect errors at the time of an output operation. Alterna- tively, the caller can explicitly set buf as the stdio stream buffer, at the same time informing stdio of the buffer's size, using set- buffer(fp, buf, size).) In a stream opened for reading, null bytes ('') in the buffer do not cause read operations to return an end-of-file indication. A read from the buffer will only indicate end-of-file when the file pointer advances size bytes past the start of the buffer. If buf is specified as NULL, then fmemopen() dynamically allocates a buffer size bytes long. This is useful for an application that wants to write data to a temporary buffer and then read it back again. The buffer is automatically freed when the stream is closed. Note that the caller has no way to obtain a pointer to the temporary buffer allocated by this call (but see open_memstream() below). The open_memstream() function opens a stream for writing to a buffer. The buffer is dynamically allocated (as with malloc(3)), and auto- matically grows as required. After closing the stream, the caller should free(3) this buffer. When the stream is closed (fclose(3)) or flushed (fflush(3)), the locations pointed to by ptr and sizeloc are updated to contain, respec- tively, a pointer to the buffer and the current size of the buffer. These values remain valid only as long as the caller performs no fur- ther output on the stream. If further output is performed, then the stream must again be flushed before trying to access these variables. A null byte is maintained at the end of the buffer. This byte is not included in the size value stored at sizeloc. The stream's file position can be changed with fseek(3) or fseeko(3). Moving the file position past the end of the data already written fills the intervening space with zeros. The open_wmemstream() is similar to open_memstream(), but operates on wide characters instead of bytes. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion fmemopen(), open_memstream() and open_wmemstream() return a FILE pointer. Otherwise, NULL is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. VERSIONS
fmemopen() and open_memstream() were already available in glibc 1.0.x. open_wmemstream() is available since glibc 2.4. CONFORMING TO
POSIX.1-2008. These functions are not specified in POSIX.1-2001, and are not widely available on other systems. NOTES
There is no file descriptor associated with the file stream returned by these functions (i.e., fileno(3) will return an error if called on the returned stream). BUGS
In glibc before version 2.7, seeking past the end of a stream created by open_memstream() does not enlarge the buffer; instead the fseek() call fails, returning -1. EXAMPLE
The program below uses fmemopen() to open an input buffer, and open_memstream() to open a dynamically sized output buffer. The program scans its input string (taken from the program's first command-line argument) reading integers, and writes the squares of these integers to the output buffer. An example of the output produced by this program is the following: $ ./a.out '1 23 43' size=11; ptr=1 529 1849 Program source #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define handle_error(msg) do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *out, *in; int v, s; size_t size; char *ptr; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file> ", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } in = fmemopen(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), "r"); if (in == NULL) handle_error("fmemopen"); out = open_memstream(&ptr, &size); if (out == NULL) handle_error("open_memstream"); for (;;) { s = fscanf(in, "%d", &v); if (s <= 0) break; s = fprintf(out, "%d ", v * v); if (s == -1) handle_error("fprintf"); } fclose(in); fclose(out); printf("size=%ld; ptr=%s ", (long) size, ptr); free(ptr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } SEE ALSO
fopen(3), fopencookie(3), feature_test_macros(7) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 3.27 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found at GNU
2010-09-15 FMEMOPEN(3)
Man Page