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malloc_trim(3) [minix man page]

MALLOC_TRIM(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						    MALLOC_TRIM(3)

malloc_trim - release free memory from the top of the heap SYNOPSIS
#include <malloc.h> int malloc_trim(size_t pad); DESCRIPTION
The malloc_trim() function attempts to release free memory at the top of the heap (by calling sbrk(2) with a suitable argument). The pad argument specifies the amount of free space to leave untrimmed at the top of the heap. If this argument is 0, only the minimum amount of memory is maintained at the top of the heap (i.e., one page or less). A nonzero argument can be used to maintain some trailing space at the top of the heap in order to allow future allocations to be made without having to extend the heap with sbrk(2). RETURN VALUE
The malloc_trim() function returns 1 if memory was actually released back to the system, or 0 if it was not possible to release any memory. ERRORS
No errors are defined. ATTRIBUTES
For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7). +--------------+---------------+---------+ |Interface | Attribute | Value | +--------------+---------------+---------+ |malloc_trim() | Thread safety | MT-Safe | +--------------+---------------+---------+ CONFORMING TO
This function is a GNU extension. NOTES
This function is automatically called by free(3) in certain circumstances; see the discussion of M_TOP_PAD and M_TRIM_THRESHOLD in mal- lopt(3). This function cannot release free memory located at places other than the top of the heap. This function releases only memory in the main arena. SEE ALSO
sbrk(2), malloc(3), mallopt(3) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at Linux 2017-09-15 MALLOC_TRIM(3)

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MALLOC_TRIM(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						    MALLOC_TRIM(3)

malloc_trim - release free memory from the top of the heap SYNOPSIS
#include <malloc.h> int malloc_trim(size_t pad); DESCRIPTION
The malloc_trim() function attempts to release free memory at the top of the heap (by calling sbrk(2) with a suitable argument). The pad argument specifies the amount of free space to leave untrimmed at the top of the heap. If this argument is 0, only the minimum amount of memory is maintained at the top of the heap (i.e., one page or less). A nonzero argument can be used to maintain some trailing space at the top of the heap in order to allow future allocations to be made without having to extend the heap with sbrk(2). RETURN VALUE
The malloc_trim() function returns 1 if memory was actually released back to the system, or 0 if it was not possible to release any memory. ERRORS
No errors are defined. ATTRIBUTES
For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7). +--------------+---------------+---------+ |Interface | Attribute | Value | +--------------+---------------+---------+ |malloc_trim() | Thread safety | MT-Safe | +--------------+---------------+---------+ CONFORMING TO
This function is a GNU extension. NOTES
This function is automatically called by free(3) in certain circumstances; see the discussion of M_TOP_PAD and M_TRIM_THRESHOLD in mal- lopt(3). This function cannot release free memory located at places other than the top of the heap. This function releases only memory in the main arena. SEE ALSO
sbrk(2), malloc(3), mallopt(3) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at Linux 2017-09-15 MALLOC_TRIM(3)
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