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mount(2) [minix man page]

MOUNT(2)							System Calls Manual							  MOUNT(2)

mount, umount - mount or umount a file system SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> #include <sys/mount.h> int mount(char *special, char *name, int flag) int umount(char *name) DESCRIPTION
Mount() tells the system that the file system special is to be mounted on the file name, effectively overlaying name with the file tree on special. Name may of any type, except that if the root of special is a directory, then name must also be a directory. Special must be a block special file, except for loopback mounts. For loopback mounts a normal file or directory is used for special, which must be seen as the root of a virtual device. Flag is 0 for a read-write mount, 1 for read-only. Umount() removes the connection between a device and a mount point, name may refer to either of them. If more than one device is mounted on the same mount point then unmounting at the mount point removes the last mounted device, unmounting a device removes precisely that device. The unmount will only succeed if none of the files on the device are in use. Both calls may only be executed by the super-user. SEE ALSO
mount(1), umount(1). AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( MOUNT(2)

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MOUNT(2)							System Calls Manual							  MOUNT(2)

mount, umount - mount or remove file system SYNOPSIS
mount(special, name, rwflag) char *special, *name; umount(special) char *special; DESCRIPTION
Mount announces to the system that a removable file system has been mounted on the block-structured special file special; from now on, ref- erences to file name will refer to the root file on the newly mounted file system. Special and name are pointers to null-terminated strings containing the appropriate path names. Name must exist already. Name must be a directory (unless the root of the mounted file system is not a directory). Its old contents are inaccessible while the file system is mounted. The rwflag argument determines whether the file system can be written on; if it is 0 writing is allowed, if non-zero no writing is done. Physically write-protected and magnetic tape file systems must be mounted read-only or errors will occur when access times are updated, whether or not any explicit write is attempted. Umount announces to the system that the special file is no longer to contain a removable file system. The associated file reverts to its ordinary interpretation. SEE ALSO
Mount returns 0 if the action occurred; -1 if special is inaccessible or not an appropriate file; if name does not exist; if special is already mounted; if name is in use; or if there are already too many file systems mounted. Umount returns 0 if the action occurred; -1 if if the special file is inaccessible or does not have a mounted file system, or if there are active files in the mounted file system. ASSEMBLER
(mount = 21.) sys mount; special; name; rwflag (umount = 22.) sys umount; special MOUNT(2)
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