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tabfunc(1) [minix man page]

TABFUNC(1)						      General Commands Manual							TABFUNC(1)

tabfunc - convert table to functions for rcalc, etc. SYNOPSIS
tabfunc [ -i ] func1 [func2 ..] DESCRIPTION
Tabfunc reads a table of numbers from the standard input and converts it to an expression suitable for icalc(1), rcalc(1) and their cousins. The input must consist of a M x N matrix of real numbers, with exactly one row per line. The number of columns must always be the same in each line, separated by whitespace and/or commas, with no missing values. The first column is always the independent variable, whose value indexes all of the other elements. This value does not need to be evenly spaced, but it must be either monotonically increas- ing or monotonically decreasing. (I.e. it cannot go up and then down, or down and then up.) Maximum input line width is 4096 characters and the maximum number of data rows is 1024. Input lines not beginning with a numerical value will be silently ignored. The command-line arguments given to tabfunc are the names to be assigned to each column. Tabfunc then produces a single function for each column given. If there are some columns which should be skipped, the dummy name "0" may be given instead of a valid identifier. (It is not necessary to specify a dummy name for extra columns at the end of the matrix.) The -i option causes tabfunc to produce a description that will interpolate values in between those given for the independent variable on the input. EXAMPLE
To convert a small data table and feed it to rcalc for some calculation: rcalc -e `tabfunc f1 f2 < table.dat` -f AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
cnt(1), icalc(1), neaten(1), rcalc(1), rlam(1), total(1) RADIANCE
10/8/97 TABFUNC(1)

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HISTO(1)						      General Commands Manual							  HISTO(1)

histo - compute 1-dimensional histogram of N data columns SYNOPSIS
histo [-c][-p] xmin xmax nbins histo [-c][-p] imin imax DESCRIPTION
Histo bins columnular data on the standard input between the given minimum and maximum values. If three command line arguments are given, the third is taken as the number of data bins between the first two real numbers. If only two arguments are given, they are both assumed to be integers, and the number of data bins will be equal to their difference plus one. The bins are always of equal size. The output is N+1 columns of data (for N columns input), where the first column is the centroid of each division, and each row corresponds to the frequencies for each column around that value. If the -c option is present, then histo computes the cumulative histogram for each column instead of the straight frequencies. The upper value of each bin is printed also instead of the centroid. This may be useful in computing percentiles, for example. Values below the minimum specified are still counted in the cumulative total. The -p option tells histo to report the percentage of the total number of input lines rather than the absolute counts. In the case of a cumulative total, this yields the percentile values directly. Values above the maximum are counted as well as values below in this case. All input data is interpreted as real values, and columns must be white-space separated. If any value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, it will be ignored unless the -c option is specified. EXAMPLE
To count data values between -1 and 1 in 50 bins: histo -1 1 50 < input.dat To count frequencies of integers between 0 and 255: histo 0 255 < input.dat AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
cnt(1), neaten(1), rcalc(1), rlam(1), tabfunc(1), total(1) RADIANCE
9/6/96 HISTO(1)
Man Page

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