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sum(1) [minix man page]

SUM(1)							      General Commands Manual							    SUM(1)

sum - compute the checksum and block count of a file SYNOPSIS
sum file OPTIONS
sum /user/ast/xyz # Checksum /user/ast/xyz DESCRIPTION
Sum computes the checksum of one or more files. It is most often used to see if a file copied from another machine has been correctly received. This program works best when both machines use the same checksum algorithm. See also crc. SEE ALSO
cksum(1), crc(1). SUM(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

cksum(n)							       cksum								  cksum(n)

cksum - calculate a cksum(1) compatible checksum SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.2 package require cksum ?1.0? ::crc::cksum ?-format format? message ::crc::cksum ?-format format? -filename file DESCRIPTION
This package provides a Tcl-only implementation of the cksum(1) algorithm based upon information provided at in the GNU implementation of this program as part of the GNU Textutils 2.0 package. COMMANDS
::crc::cksum ?-format format? message ::crc::cksum ?-format format? -filename file The command takes string data or a file name and returns a checksum value calculated using the cksum(1) algorithm. The result is formatted using the format(n) specifier provided or as an unsigned integer (%u) by default. OPTIONS
-filename name Return a checksum for the file contents instead of for parameter data. -format string Return the checksum using an alternative format template. EXAMPLES
% crc::cksum "Hello, World!" 2609532967 % crc::cksum -format 0x%X "Hello, World!" 0x9B8A5027 % crc::cksum -file cksum.tcl 1828321145 SEE ALSO
sum(n), crc32(n) AUTHORS
cksum, checksum, crc, crc32, cyclic redundancy check, data integrity, security crc 1.0 cksum(n)
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