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ppmtomitsu(1) [minix man page]

ppmtomitsu(1)                                                 General Commands Manual                                                ppmtomitsu(1)

ppmtomitsu - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file SYNOPSIS
ppmtomitsu [-sharpness val] [-enlarge val] [-media string] [-copy val] [-dpi300] [-tiny] [ppmfile] DESCRIPTION
Reads a portable pixmap as input and converts it into a format suitable to be printed by a Mitsubishi S340-10 printer, or any other Mit- subishi color sublimation printer. The Mitsubishi S340-10 Color Sublimation printer supports 24bit color. Images of the available sizes take so long to transfer that there is a fast method, employing a lookuptable, that ppmtomitsu will use if there is a maximum of 256 colors in the pixmap. ppmtomitsu will try to position your image to the center of the paper, and will rotate your image for you if xsize is larger than ysize. If your image is larger than the media allows, ppmtomitsu will quit with an error message. (We decided that the media were too expensive to have careless users produce misprints.) Once data transmission has started, the job can't be stopped in a sane way without resetting the printer. The printer understands putting together images in the printers memory; ppmtomitsu doesn't utilize this as pnmcat etc provide the same func- tionality and let you view the result on-screen, too. The S340-10 is the lowest common denominator printer; for higher resolution printers there's the dpi300 option. The other printers also support higher values for enlarge eg, but I don't think that's essential enough to war- rant a change in the program. -sharpness 1-4 'sharpness' designation. Default is to use the current sharpness. -enlarge 1-3 Enlarge by a factor; Default is 1 (no enlarge) -media A, A4, AS, A4S Designate the media you're using. Default is 1184 x 1350, which will fit on any media. A is 1216 x 1350, A4 is 1184 x 1452, AS is 1216 x 1650 and A4S is 1184 x 1754. A warning: If you specify a different media than the printer currently has, the printer will wait until you put in the correct media or switch it off. -copy 1-9 The number of copies to produce. Default is 1. -dpi300 Double the number of allowed pixels for a S3600-30 Printer in S340-10 compatibility mode. (The S3600-30 has 300 dpi). -tiny Memory-safing, but always slow. The printer will get the data line-by-line in 24bit. It's probably a good idea to use this if your machine starts paging a lot without this option. REFERENCES
Mitsubishi Sublimation Full Color Printer S340-10 Specifications of Parallel Interface LSP-F0232F SEE ALSO
ppmquant(1), pnmscale(1), ppm(5) BUGS
We didn't find any - yet. (Besides, they're called features anyway :-) If you should find one, my email-adress is below. AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 1992, 93 by S.Petra Zeidler, MPIfR Bonn, Germany. ( 29 Jan 1992 ppmtomitsu(1)

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printers.conf(5)						    Apple Inc.							  printers.conf(5)

printers.conf - printer configuration file for cups DESCRIPTION
The printers.conf file defines the local printers that are available. It is normally located in the /etc/cups directory and is generated automatically by the cupsd(8) program when printers are added or deleted. Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character. DIRECTIVES
<Printer name> ... </Printer> Defines a specific printer. <DefaultPrinter name> ... </Printer> Defines a default printer. Accepting Yes Accepting No Specifies whether the printer is accepting new jobs. AllowUser [ user @group ... ] Allows specific users and groups to print to the printer. DenyUser [ user @group ... ] Prevents specific users and groups from printing to the printer. DeviceURI uri Specifies the device URI for a printer. ErrorPolicy abort-job ErrorPolicy retry-current-job ErrorPolicy retry-job ErrorPolicy stop-printer Specifies the error policy for the printer. Info text Specifies human-readable text describing the printer. JobSheets banner banner Specifies the banner pages to use for the printer. KLimit number Specifies the job-k-limit value for the printer. Location text Specifies human-readable text describing the location of the printer. OpPolicy name Specifies the operation policy for the printer. PageLimit number Specifies the job-page-limit value for the printer. PortMonitor monitor Specifies the port monitor for a printer. QuotaPeriod seconds Specifies the job-quota-period value for the printer. Shared Yes Shared No Specifies whether the printer is shared. State idle State stopped Specifies the initial state of the printer (Idle or Stopped) StateMessage text Specifies the message associated with the state. StateTime seconds Specifies the date/time associated with the state. SEE ALSO
classes.conf(5), cupsd(8), cupsd.conf(5), mime.convs(5), mime.types(5), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2011 by Apple Inc. 29 April 2009 CUPS printers.conf(5)
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