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pnmtofits(1) [minix man page]

pnmtofits(1)                                                  General Commands Manual                                                 pnmtofits(1)

pnmtofits - convert a portable anymap into FITS format SYNOPSIS
pnmtofits [-max f] [-min f] [pnmfile] DESCRIPTION
Reads a portable anymap as input. Produces a FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file as output. The resolution of the output file is either 8 bits/pixel, or 16 bits/pixel, depending on the value of maxval in the input file. If the input file is a portable bitmap or a portable graymap, the output file consists of a single plane image (NAXIS = 2). If instead the input file is a portable pixmap, the output file will consist of a three-plane image (NAXIS = 3, NAXIS3 = 3). A full description of the FITS format can be found in Astronomy & Astro- physics Supplement Series 44 (1981), page 363. OPTIONS
Flags -min and -max can be used to set DATAMAX, DATAMIN, BSCALE and BZERO in the FITS header, but do not cause the data to be rescaled. BUGS
FITS uses signed data, and this program outputs unsigned values. If you run into this problem, you might use "-min 32768". SEE ALSO
fitstopnm(1), pgm(5) AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 1989 by Wilson H. Bent (, with modifications by Alberto Accomazzi ( 5 Dec 1992 pnmtofits(1)

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wcsremap - AME SYNOPSIS
remap [-vf][-a rot][[-b][-j] ra dec][-i bits][-l num] ... DESCRIPTION
Remap FITS or IRAF images into single FITS image using WCS or : remap [-vf][-a rot][[-b][-j] ra dec][-i bits][-l num] @filelist -a: Output rotation angle in degrees (default 0) -b ra dec: Output center in B1950 (FK4) RA and Dec -e long lat: Output center in ecliptic longitude and latitude -f file: Use WCS from this file as output WCS -g long lat: Output center in galactic longitude and latitude -i num: Number of bits per output pixel (default is input) -j ra dec: center in J2000 (FK5) RA and Dec -l num: Log every num rows of output image -m mode: c closest pixel (more to come) -n num: integer pixel value for blank pixel -o name: Name for output image -p secpix: Output plate scale in arcsec/pixel (default =input) -s: Set BZERO and BSCALE in output file from input file -t: Number of samples per linear output pixel -u: Delete distortion keywords from output file -v: Verbose -w type: Output WCS type (input is default) -x x y: Output image reference X and Y coordinates (default is center) -y nx ny: Output image dimensions (default is first input image) wcsremap 3.8.4 June 2012 WCSREMAP(1)
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