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pkgparam(1) [minix man page]

pkgparam(1)							   User Commands						       pkgparam(1)

pkgparam - display package parameter values SYNOPSIS
pkgparam [-v] [-d device] [-R root_path] pkginst [param...] pkgparam -f filename [-v] [param...] DESCRIPTION
pkgparam displays the value associated with the parameter or parameters requested on the command line. The values are located in either the pkginfo(4) file for pkginst or from the specific file named with the -f option. One parameter value is shown per line. Only the value of a parameter is given unless the -v option is used. With this option, the output of the command is in this format: parameter1='value1' parameter2='value2' parameter3='value3' If no parameters are specified on the command line, values for all parameters associated with the package are shown. OPTIONS
Options and arguments for this command are: -d device Specify the device on which a pkginst is stored. It can be a directory pathname or the identifiers for tape, floppy disk, or removable disk (for example, /var/tmp, /dev/diskette, and /dev/dsk/c1d0s0). The special token spool may be used to rep- resent the default installation spool directory (/var/spool/pkg). -f filename Read filename for parameter values. -R root_path Defines the full path name of a subdirectory to use as the root_path. All files, including package system information files, are relocated to a directory tree starting in the specified root_path. -v Verbose mode. Display name of parameter and its value. OPERANDS
pkginst Defines a specific package instance for which parameter values should be displayed. param Defines a specific parameter whose value should be displayed. ERRORS
If parameter information is not available for the indicated package, the command exits with a non-zero status. EXIT STATUS
0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
pkgmk(1), pkgproto(1), pkgtrans(1), pkginfo(4), attributes(5) Application Packaging Developer's Guide NOTES
With the -f option, you can specify the file from which parameter values should be extracted. This file should be in the same format as a pkginfo(4) file. For example, such a file might be created during package development and used while testing software during this stage. SunOS 5.10 6 Nov 2000 pkgparam(1)

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pkgparam(1)                                                        User Commands                                                       pkgparam(1)

pkgparam - display package parameter values SYNOPSIS
pkgparam [-v] [-d device] [-R root_path] pkginst [param...] pkgparam -f filename [-v] [param...] DESCRIPTION
pkgparam displays the value associated with the parameter or parameters requested on the command line. The values are located in either the pkginfo(4) file for pkginst or from the specific file named with the -f option. One parameter value is shown per line. Only the value of a parameter is given unless the -v option is used. With this option, the output of the command is in this format: parameter1='value1' parameter2='value2' parameter3='value3' If no parameters are specified on the command line, values for all parameters associated with the package are shown. OPTIONS
Options and arguments for this command are: -d device Specify the device on which a pkginst is stored. It can be a directory pathname or the identifiers for tape, floppy disk, or removable disk (for example, /var/tmp, /dev/diskette, and /dev/dsk/c1d0s0). The special token spool may be used to rep- resent the default installation spool directory (/var/spool/pkg). -f filename Read filename for parameter values. -R root_path Defines the full path name of a subdirectory to use as the root_path. All files, including package system information files, are relocated to a directory tree starting in the specified root_path. -v Verbose mode. Display name of parameter and its value. OPERANDS
pkginst Defines a specific package instance for which parameter values should be displayed. param Defines a specific parameter whose value should be displayed. ERRORS
If parameter information is not available for the indicated package, the command exits with a non-zero status. EXIT STATUS
0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
pkgmk(1), pkgproto(1), pkgtrans(1), pkginfo(4), attributes(5) Application Packaging Developer's Guide NOTES
With the -f option, you can specify the file from which parameter values should be extracted. This file should be in the same format as a pkginfo(4) file. For example, such a file might be created during package development and used while testing software during this stage. SunOS 5.10 6 Nov 2000 pkgparam(1)
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