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pdfimages(1) [minix man page]

pdfimages(1)						      General Commands Manual						      pdfimages(1)

pdfimages - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (version 3.00) SYNOPSIS
pdfimages [options] PDF-file image-root DESCRIPTION
Pdfimages saves images from a Portable Document Format (PDF) file as Portable Pixmap (PPM), Portable Bitmap (PBM), or JPEG files. Pdfimages reads the PDF file PDF-file, scans one or more pages, and writes one PPM, PBM, or JPEG file for each image,, where nnn is the image number and xxx is the image type (.ppm, .pbm, .jpg). OPTIONS
-f number Specifies the first page to scan. -l number Specifies the last page to scan. -j Normally, all images are written as PBM (for monochrome images) or PPM (for non-monochrome images) files. With this option, images in DCT format are saved as JPEG files. All non-DCT images are saved in PBM/PPM format as usual. -opw password Specify the owner password for the PDF file. Providing this will bypass all security restrictions. -upw password Specify the user password for the PDF file. -p Include page numbers in output file names. -q Don't print any messages or errors. -v Print copyright and version information. -h Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.) EXIT CODES
The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes: 0 No error. 1 Error opening a PDF file. 2 Error opening an output file. 3 Error related to PDF permissions. 99 Other error. AUTHOR
The pdfimages software and documentation are copyright 1998-2004 Glyph & Cog, LLC. SEE ALSO
pdffonts(1), pdfinfo(1), pdftocairo(1), pdftohtml(1), pdftoppm(1), pdftops(1), pdftotext(1) 22 January 2004 pdfimages(1)

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pdfimages(1)						      General Commands Manual						      pdfimages(1)

pdfimages - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (version 2.01) SYNOPSIS
pdfimages [options] PDF-file image-root DESCRIPTION
Pdfimages saves images from a Portable Document Format (PDF) file as Portable Pixmap (PPM), Portable Bitmap (PBM), or JPEG files. Pdfimages reads the PDF file, scans one or more pages, PDF-file, and writes one PPM, PBM, or JPEG file for each image,, where nnn is the image number and xxx is the image type (.ppm, .pbm, .jpg). CONFIGURATION FILE
Pdfimages reads a configuration file at startup. It first tries to find the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc. If that doesn't exist, it looks for a system-wide config file, typically /etc/xpdfrc (but this location can be changed when pdfimages is built). See the xpdfrc(5) man page for details. OPTIONS
Many of the following options can be set with configuration file commands. These are listed in square brackets with the description of the corresponding command line option. -f number Specifies the first page to scan. -l number Specifies the last page to scan. -j Normally, all images are written as PBM (for monochrome images) or PPM (for non-monochrome images) files. With this option, images in DCT format are saved as JPEG files. All non-DCT images are saved in PBM/PPM format as usual. -opw password Specify the owner password for the PDF file. Providing this will bypass all security restrictions. -upw password Specify the user password for the PDF file. -q Don't print any messages or errors. [config file: errQuiet] -v Print copyright and version information. -h Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.) EXIT CODES
The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes: 0 No error. 1 Error opening a PDF file. 2 Error opening an output file. 3 Error related to PDF permissions. 99 Other error. AUTHOR
The pdfimages software and documentation are copyright Glyph & Cog, LLC. SEE ALSO
xpdf(1), pdftops(1), pdftotext(1), pdfinfo(1), pdffonts(1), pdftopbm(1), xpdfrc(5) 05 December 2002 pdfimages(1)
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