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grep(1) [minix man page]

GREP(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   GREP(1)

grep - search a file for lines containing a given pattern SYNOPSIS
grep [-elnsv] pattern [file] ... OPTIONS
-e -e pattern is the same as pattern -c Print a count of lines matched -i Ignore case -l Print file names, no lines -n Print line numbers -s Status only, no printed output -v Select lines that do not match EXAMPLES
grep mouse file # Find lines in file containing mouse grep [0-9] file # Print lines containing a digit DESCRIPTION
Grep searches one or more files (by default, stdin) and selects out all the lines that match the pattern. All the regular expressions accepted by ed and mined are allowed. In addition, + can be used instead of * to mean 1 or more occurrences, ? can be used to mean 0 or 1 occurrences, and | can be used between two regular expressions to mean either one of them. Parentheses can be used for grouping. If a match is found, exit status 0 is returned. If no match is found, exit status 1 is returned. If an error is detected, exit status 2 is returned. SEE ALSO
cgrep(1), fgrep(1), sed(1), awk(9). GREP(1)

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GREP(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   GREP(1)

grep - search a file for a pattern SYNOPSIS
grep [ option ... ] pattern [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION
Grep searches the input files (standard input default) for lines (with newlines excluded) that match the pattern, a regular expression as defined in regexp(6). Normally, each line matching the pattern is `selected', and each selected line is copied to the standard output. The options are -c Print only a count of matching lines. -h Do not print file name tags (headers) with output lines. -i Ignore alphabetic case distinctions. The implementation folds into lower case all letters in the pattern and input before interpre- tation. Matched lines are printed in their original form. -l (ell) Print the names of files with selected lines; don't print the lines. -L Print the names of files with no selected lines; the converse of -l. -n Mark each printed line with its line number counted in its file. -s Produce no output, but return status. -v Reverse: print lines that do not match the pattern. Output lines are tagged by file name when there is more than one input file. (To force this tagging, include /dev/null as a file name argument.) Care should be taken when using the shell metacharacters $*[^|()= and newline in pattern; it is safest to enclose the entire expression in single quotes '...'. SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/grep.c SEE ALSO
ed(1), awk(1), sed(1), sam(1), regexp(6) DIAGNOSTICS
Exit status is null if any lines are selected, or non-null when no lines are selected or an error occurs. GREP(1)
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