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fmt(1) [minix man page]

FMT(1)							      General Commands Manual							    FMT(1)

fmt - adjust line-length for paragraphs of text SYNOPSIS
fmt [-width] [files]... DESCRIPTION
fmt is a simple text formatter. It inserts or deletes newlines, as necessary, to make all lines in a paragraph be approximately the same width. It preserves indentation and word spacing. The default line width is 72 characters. You can override this with the -width flag. If you don't name any files on the command line, then fmt will read from stdin. It is typically used from within vi to adjust the line breaks in a single paragraph. To do this, move the cursor to the top of the para- graph, type "!}fmt", and hit <Return>. AUTHOR
Steve Kirkendall FMT(1)

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fmt(1)								   User Commands							    fmt(1)

fmt - simple text formatters SYNOPSIS
fmt [-cs] [-w width | -width] [inputfile...] DESCRIPTION
fmt is a simple text formatter that fills and joins lines to produce output lines of (up to) the number of characters specified in the -w width option. The default width is 72. fmt concatenates the inputfiles listed as arguments. If none are given, fmt formats text from the standard input. Blank lines are preserved in the output, as is the spacing between words. fmt does not fill nor split lines beginning with a `.' (dot), for compatibility with nroff(1). Nor does it fill or split a set of contiguous non-blank lines which is determined to be a mail header, the first line of which must begin with "From". Indentation is preserved in the output, and input lines with differing indentation are not joined (unless -c is used). fmt can also be used as an in-line text filter for vi(1). The vi command: !}fmt reformats the text between the cursor location and the end of the paragraph. OPTIONS
-c Crown margin mode. Preserve the indentation of the first two lines within a paragraph, and align the left margin of each subsequent line with that of the second line. This is useful for tagged paragraphs. -s Split lines only. Do not join short lines to form longer ones. This prevents sample lines of code, and other such formatted text, from being unduly combined. -w width | -width Fill output lines to up to width columns. OPERANDS
inputfile Input file. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
See environ(5) for a description of the LC_CTYPE environment variable that affects the execution of fmt. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
nroff(1), vi(1), attributes(5), environ(5) NOTES
The -width option is acceptable for BSD compatibility, but it may go away in future releases. SunOS 5.10 9 May 1997 fmt(1)
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