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doswrite(1) [minix man page]

DOSWRITE(1)						      General Commands Manual						       DOSWRITE(1)

doswrite - write a file onto an MS-DOS diskette [IBM] SYNOPSIS
doswrite [-a] drive file OPTIONS
doswrite A x/y <z # Write file z to disk as x/y doswrite -a B f # Copy stdin to MS-DOS file f DESCRIPTION
Doswrite writes its stdin to an MS-DOS file. The diskette or partition must be formatted and have an MS-DOS file system already in place, including all the directories leading up to the file. See dosdir on the use of single letter drive codes. DOSWRITE(1)

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DOSSRV(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							 DOSSRV(4)

dossrv, 9660srv, a:, b:, c:, eject - DOS and ISO9660 file systems SYNOPSIS
dossrv [ -v ] [ -s ] [ -f file ] [ service ] 9660srv [ -v ] [ -s ] [ -f file ] [ service ] a: b: c: eject [ n ] DESCRIPTION
Dossrv is a file server that interprets DOS file systems. A single instance of dossrv can provide access to multiple DOS disks simultane- ously. Dossrv posts a file descriptor named service (default dos) in the /srv directory. To access the DOS file system on a device, use mount with the spec argument (see bind(1)) the name of the file holding raw DOS file system, typically the disk. If spec is undefined in the mount, dossrv will use file as the default name for the device holding the DOS system. Normally dossrv creates a pipe to act as the communications channel between itself and its clients. The -s flag instructs dossrv to use its standard input and output instead. The kernels use this if they are booting from a DOS disk. This flag also prevents the creation of an explicit service file in /srv. The -v flag causes verbose output for debugging. The shell script a: contains unmount /n/a: >[2] /dev/null mount -c /srv/dos /n/a: /dev/fd0disk and is therefore a shorthand for mounting a floppy disk in drive A. The scripts b: and c: are similar. 9660srv is identical to dossrv in specification, except that it interprets ISO9660 CD-ROM file systems instead of DOS file systems. If the floppy drive has an ejection motor, eject will spit out the floppy from drive n, default 0. EXAMPLE
Mount a floppy disk with a DOS file system on it. dossrv a: SEE ALSO
kfs(4) SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/dossrv /sys/src/cmd/9660srv /rc/bin/eject DOSSRV(4)
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