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cdiff(1) [minix man page]

CDIFF(1)						      General Commands Manual							  CDIFF(1)

cdiff - context diff SYNOPSIS
cdiff [-cn] oldfile newfile OPTIONS
-c Provide n lines of context EXAMPLES
cdiff old new >f # Write context diff on f cdiff -c1 old new >f # Use only 1 line of context DESCRIPTION
Cdiff produces a context diff by first running diff and then adding context. Some update programs, like patch, can use context diffs to update files, even in the presence of other, independent changes. SEE ALSO
cmp(1), diff(1), patch(1). CDIFF(1)

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XDIFF_STRING_DIFF(3)							 1						      XDIFF_STRING_DIFF(3)

xdiff_string_diff - Make unified diff of two strings

string xdiff_string_diff (string $old_data, string $new_data, [int $context = 3], [bool $minimal = false]) DESCRIPTION
Makes an unified diff containing differences between $old_data string and $new_data string and returns it. The resulting diff is human- readable. An optional $context parameter specifies how many lines of context should be added around each change. Setting $minimal parameter to true will result in outputting the shortest patch file possible (can take a long time). PARAMETERS
o $old_data - First string with data. It acts as "old" data. o $new_data - Second string with data. It acts as "new" data. o $context - Indicates how many lines of context you want to include in the diff result. o $minimal - Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to minimalize the size of the result (can take a long time). RETURN VALUES
Returns string with resulting diff or FALSE if an internal error happened. EXAMPLES
Example #1 xdiff_string_diff(3) example The following code makes unified diff of two articles. <?php $old_article = file_get_contents('./old_article.txt'); $new_article = $_REQUEST['article']; /* Let's say that someone pasted a new article to html form */ $diff = xdiff_string_diff($old_article, $new_article, 1); if (is_string($diff)) { echo "Differences between two articles: "; echo $diff; } ?> NOTES
Note This function doesn't work well with binary strings. To make diff of binary strings use xdiff_string_bdiff(3)/xdiff_string_rabd- iff(3). SEE ALSO
xdiff_string_patch(3). PHP Documentation Group XDIFF_STRING_DIFF(3)
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