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mkpasswd(1) [linux man page]

MKPASSWD(1)							 Debian GNU/Linux						       MKPASSWD(1)

mkpasswd - Overfeatured front end to crypt(3) SYNOPSIS
mkpasswd encrypts the given password with the crypt(3) libc function using the given salt. OPTIONS
-S, --salt=STRING Use the STRING as salt. It must not contain prefixes such as $1$. -R, --rounds=NUMBER Use NUMBER rounds. This argument is ignored if the method chosen does not support variable rounds. For the OpenBSD Blowfish method this is the logarithm of the number of rounds. -m, --method=TYPE Compute the password using the TYPE method. If TYPE is help then the available methods are printed. -5 Like --method=md5. -P, --password-fd=NUM Read the password from file descriptor NUM instead of using getpass(3). If the file descriptor is not connected to a tty then no other message than the hashed password is printed on stdout. -s, --stdin Like --password-fd=0. ENVIRONMENT
MKPASSWD_OPTIONS A list of options which will be evalued before the ones specified on the command line. BUGS
If the --stdin option is used, passwords containing some control characters may not be read correctly. This programs suffers of a bad case of featuritis. SEE ALSO
passwd(1), passwd(5), crypt(3), getpass(3) AUTHOR
mkpasswd and this man page were written by Marco d'Itri <> and are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or higher. Marco d'Itri 21 March 2008 MKPASSWD(1)

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crypt_sunmd5(5) 					Standards, Environments, and Macros					   crypt_sunmd5(5)

crypt_sunmd5 - password hashing module using MD5 message hash algorithm SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/security/$ISA/ DESCRIPTION
The crypt_sunmd5 module is a one-way password hashing module for use with crypt(3C) that uses the MD5 message hash algorithm. The algorithm identifier for crypt.conf(4) and policy.conf(4) is md5. This module is designed to make it difficult to crack passwords that use brute force attacks based on high speed MD5 implementations that use code inlining, unrolled loops, and table lookup. The maximum password length for crypt_sunmd5 is 255 characters. The following options can be passed to the module by means of crypt.conf(4): rounds=<positive_number> Specifies the number of additional rounds of MD5 to use in generation of the salt; the default number of rounds is 4096. Negative val- ues have no effect and are ignored, that is, the number of rounds cannot be lowered below 4096. The number of additional rounds is stored in the salt string returned by crypt_gensalt(3C). For example: $md5,rounds=1000$nlxmTTpz$ When crypt_gensalt(3C) is being used to generate a new salt, if the number of additional rounds configured in crypt.conf(4) is greater than that in the old salt, the value from crypt.conf(4) is used instead. This allows for migration to stronger (but more time-consum- ing) salts on password change. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
passwd(1), crypt(3C), crypt_genhash_impl(3C), crypt_gensalt(3C), crypt_gensalt_impl(3C), getpassphrase(3C), crypt.conf(4), passwd(4), pol- icy.conf(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 23 Dec 2003 crypt_sunmd5(5)
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