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uwx_step(3x) [hpux man page]

uwx_step(3X)															      uwx_step(3X)

uwx_step() - step one frame SYNOPSIS
is part of the Unwind Express Library for Integrity systems; see uwx(3X). steps back one frame from the current context and updates the context to reflect the state of the new frame. The return pointer becomes the new IP (instruction pointer), the previous stack pointer becomes the new stack pointer, the backing store pointer is adjusted to point to the previous frame's registers, the previous frame state becomes the new current frame marker, and all preserved registers are updated with the values they had in that frame. (If has been used to disable floating-point register tracking, the preserved floating-point registers will not be updated.) Parameters env A pointer to an unwind environment object. RETURN VALUE
returns on success. If the current frame is at the bottom of the call stack, it returns and the current context is unchanged. If the cur- rent frame is a signal frame (or some other ABI-dependent context frame), it returns and the current context is unchanged. All other sta- tus codes indicate errors; see uwx(3X) for error codes. AUTHOR
The Unwind Express Library was developed by Hewlett-Packard. SEE ALSO
uwx(3X), uwx_add_to_bsp(3X), uwx_find_source_info(3X), uwx_find_symbol(3X), uwx_free(3X), uwx_get_abi_context_code(3X), uwx_get_func- start(3X), uwx_get_module_info(3X), uwx_get_nat(3X), uwx_get_reg(3X), uwx_get_source_info(3X), uwx_get_sym_info(3X), uwx_init(3X), uwx_init_context(3X), uwx_register_alloc_cb(3X), uwx_register_callbacks(3X), uwx_release_symbol_cache(3X), uwx_self_do_context_frame(3X), uwx_self_free_info(3X), uwx_self_init_context(3X), uwx_self_init_info(3X), uwx_set_nofr(3X), uwx_set_remote(3X), uwx_step_inline(3X). Integrity Systems Only uwx_step(3X)

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uwx_register_alloc_cb(3X)												 uwx_register_alloc_cb(3X)

uwx_register_alloc_cb() - register custom allocate and free callbacks SYNOPSIS
is part of the Unwind Express Library for Integrity systems; see uwx(3X). registers custom allocate and free callbacks for use by the Unwind Express Library. By default, the Unwind Express Library uses and (see malloc(3C)) to allocate and deallocate memory dynamically as needed. Custom callback routines having the same function prototypes may be registered at any time, and take effect for subsequent unwind environments created by calls to Unwind environments already created but not yet freed will not be affected by this call, so a call to will use the free routine that was in effect when that unwind environment was created. Parameters alloc A pointer to a custom callback routine for dynamic memory allocation. This function must have the same prototype as the standard function. free A pointer to a custom callback routine for dynamic memory deallocation. This function must have the same prototype as the standard function. RETURN VALUE
returns on success. See uwx(3X) for error codes. AUTHOR
The Unwind Express Library was developed by Hewlett-Packard. SEE ALSO
malloc(3C), uwx(3X), uwx_add_to_bsp(3X), uwx_find_source_info(3X), uwx_find_symbol(3X), uwx_free(3X), uwx_get_abi_context_code(3X), uwx_get_funcstart(3X), uwx_get_module_info(3X), uwx_get_nat(3X), uwx_get_reg(3X), uwx_get_source_info(3X), uwx_get_sym_info(3X), uwx_init(3X), uwx_init_context(3X), uwx_register_callbacks(3X), uwx_release_symbol_cache(3X), uwx_self_do_context_frame(3X), uwx_self_free_info(3X), uwx_self_init_context(3X), uwx_self_init_info(3X), uwx_set_nofr(3X), uwx_set_remote(3X), uwx_step(3X), uwx_step_inline(3X). Integrity Systems Only uwx_register_alloc_cb(3X)
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